Podcasting Randy Graff, PhD Symposium on Teaching and Learning with Technology ELearning in Sakai
Podcast OverviewURL from SakaiUpload contentUpdate, Download, or DeleteUpdate podcatcherView content in podcatcher
Similar to a Tivo or DVR, podcasts are sound or video files that can be published to the internet where people can subscribe to the “show” and receive the latest shows and watch or listen to them whenever they’d like. These can be enjoyed on a portable device like an iPod or on a computer using Outlook, ITunes, Internet Explorer or some other podcatcher software. Overview
Idea Record A concept is thought of that involves audio and/or video. This concept is recorded and then encoded as an MP3 file. That file is stored on the internet. An RSS feed can then be created to tell people about that file and any subsequent files that are placed in that podcast monitored folder. That RSS feed, or link is stored somewhere on the internet so people can access the link and eventually, the content. Like scheduling your DVR to record shows for the season, when you subscribe to a podcast, you request all future podcasts. Instead of a DVR, you use a podcatcher to process your RSS feeds and download the audio or video content. Then you can listen on an iPod or computer without having to go back to the original website to see if there is anything new. Overview
For this workshop, the podcasts will be stored on the internet in Elearning in Sakai. Your students can retrieve the content through: Internet browser Outlook ITunes Or some other podcatcher ELearning in Sakai Overview
RSS Link The Podcasts tool allows you to upload a podcast for sharing with your site participants. To add a podcast: From your site's menubar, click Podcasts. (If you don't see Podcasts in your menubar, you may have to add it. For instructions, see Adding, editing, or removing tools.) Near the top, click Add. URL from Sakai
Next to "Choose a file", click Browse, and then find and select the file you'd like to upload. Then click Open. Next to "Publish Date/Time", click the calendar icon, and then select the date and time you want your file to become available. Next to "Title", enter a title for your file in the text box. Under "Description", you may enter a brief description of the file. When you're finished, click Add to upload your file to Podcasts, or click Cancel to cancel the upload. Upload Content
Your file will appear on the Podcasts screen, under the heading for the date you published it Once you upload a podcast, you can edit its title and description, change the date and time it's available, or choose another file to upload. To do so: From your site's menubar, click Podcasts. (If you don't see Podcasts in your menubar, you may have to add it. For instructions, see Adding, editing, or removing tools.) Find the podcast you want to edit, and under its title, click Edit. Update, Download or Delete
In Podcasts, to change the title and description of the RSS feed: From your site's menubar, click Podcasts. Under the RSS feed URL, click Edit. You can change the title and description of the RSS feed, which will be available to your site participants through their podcatcher applications. When you're finished, click Save Changes.
Microsoft Tutorial on RSS in Outlook Podcatchers can be as simple as a web browser that downloads a file. Alternatively, you could use a tool that you most likely already use, Microsoft Outlook. Or, if you want to listen or view your podcast on the go via an iPod, you can use Itunes. Podcatcher
In ITunes, click Advanced in the menu, and then Subscribe to Podcast… Next, paste the URL from the podcast page in your Sakai course. When you next click Podcasts from your ITunes Library, you should see an icon that shows the podcast feed. Double click that icon to see the contents of that feed. Copy from Sakai Paste in ITunes View Content
This shows the contents of the Podcast, in this case a video about a confusing point in class with SmartArt. To play the video, double click the title. The video appears in the standard ITunes video window and can be controlled just like any ITunes video. It can also be synchronized to an IPod or other device. View Content
Podcast OverviewURL from SakaiUpload contentUpdate, Download, or DeleteUpdate podcatcherView content in podcatcher