Brief 6 Research Presentation Nasim Shamloo
Graphic Design’s Role in Theatre Always the combination of graphic design, fine art and theatre was interesting to me. In addition, I believe most performances and plays need to use additional tools like graphic design to communicate better with their audience. Take a theatre’s poster for example, where people would look at the advert and decide if they want to buy a ticket. The poster has to be eye catching for people do judge, rightly or wrongly, how competent a production is by the quality of the design. You can grab someone’s attention with great design and make people curious so they want to know more. You have to be able to back up that great design with more information about your show and convince them you have another 2 hours which they can enjoy!
Here are some questions about this topic: Is the role of a Graphic Designer in a play to solely design the advertising poster, or are there more roles that a designer can perform? In which roles can graphic design play a part within a production? What are the artist’s experiences of this collaboration? How much does a good theatre director need to know about other aspects of art such as graphic design? What is the history of the role of graphic design in the theatre?
In general we can classify graphic design role in theatre to the areas below: -Stage design -Costume design -Make up -Lighting -Poster, Flyer design -Programme design -Web design. Please see more examples of design in the following slides.
There are many things to research and say about this topic, but the aspects that inspire me the most is the role of fine art in some avant-garde theatre and performance. An example of this is Oskar Schlemmer’s performances in Bauhaus. I found that Abstract Theatre is an other good example of the combination of some different types of art. In addition, Shadow Warrior or Shadow Theatre in the old style which has been popular in China from long ago, this is also an area I would like to investigate and work on for my final project. I would also like to add some videos that have inspired me, and perhaps my final project will be research into this type of theatre.