Automatic Software Testing Tool for Computer Networks ADD Presentation Dudi Patimer Adi Shachar Yaniv Cohen
Table of Contents Introduction System Requirements System Architecture Main Classes User Interface Open Questions Task List
Previously… Access Layers' flagship product, Portnox, is a natural extension of existing security policies and methodologies, allowing network administrators to configure access parameters for physical network ports, and proceed to monitor, control, and manage LAN entities, including devices, switches, ports, access slots, and more. Portnox represents a new approach to LAN protection, providing complete online control of end-point access to the corporate network. Portnox allows networks administrators to determine which devices are allowed LAN access.
The Problem Domain When Access Layers QA's testers execute tests on their software they need to change the settings of an end-stations and to perform different actions, for example: turning on/off the computer, changing the IP address, enable/disable Ethernet card, changes in the network settings of the end-station, login/logoff with users, etc. Nowadays, in order to execute the actions and the setting changes, they should execute all the necessary actions manually in the end- stations.
Solution Our project allows performing all the above actions automatically from a central station with simple GUI, and in addition to view the status of the end-stations at any step. Furthermore, our tool will be able to add and execute new scripts that were written by the testers on the end-stations, manage the scheduling of these actions, meaning to execute actions in chosen order, and to schedule the execution order of the end-stations. Moreover, the tool will enable the testers to perform tests that they could not perform before, such as simultaneously executing actions on group of end-stations or by a given schedule.
Table of Contents Introduction System Requirements System Architecture Main Classes User Interface Open Questions Task List
Reminder Action Action – There are 4 types of actions in our system: Command Line (with parameters). VB Script. Delay Action. Test Action – a script that compares the expected results with the product database. TSC TSC (Test Scenario) – Composed of the following components: Basic Action (built in actions). Action. * Must contain Test action at the end. TP TP (Test Plan) – Composed of TSC’s.
System Requirements Establish Connection & Getting General Information Assemble/Modify/Delete a TSC and TP Create/Modify/Delete Additional Actions Execute TP, TSC or Single Action on remote end-stations Generate Reports & Logs
Table of Contents Introduction System Requirements System Architecture Main Classes User Interface Open Questions Task List
ATS Database End-Stations Action\ Information\ Results GUI Server TP’s TSC’s Actions Parameters Main directory\ +Reports\ +Scripts\ High-level System Architecture
Detailed System Architecture Database Package Scripts Reports Actions TSC’s TP’s Service Provider Interface End-Stations Action\ Information\ Results Execution Package ATS Manager Database Portnox Database Test actions GUI 1.Stores reports as XML in the local dir. 2.Loads scripts located under the local dir. 3.Saves/Loads actions/TSC’s/TP’s from the DB. Sends command lines or scripts to the remote end-stations and gets the output. Executes TP/TSC/Single action and manages the execution process. The main controller of the system that interacts with the user requests.
System Architecture Note Note: The communication between the ATS and the end-stations will be by using the external utility psexec command provided with pstools for Windows platforms administrators. Our design supports future extensions to other operating systems.
Table of Contents Introduction System Requirements System Architecture Main Classes User Interface Open Questions Task List
Main Classes
Table of Contents Introduction System Requirements System Architecture Main Classes User Interface Open Questions Task List
User Interface
Table of Contents Introduction System Requirements System Architecture Main Classes User Interface Open Questions Task List
Open Questions How to identify end-stations in our system? End-stations can be identified by their IP/MAC address, but our tests include changing IP and MAC address, so after executing such action we need to know the new address and who it belongs to. How can we perform performance testing without using large amount of end-stations?
Table of Contents Introduction System Requirements System Architecture Main Classes User Interface Open Questions Task List
Task List