Unacceptable behaviors include: Shouting at any time. Leaving a designated area without permission. Disrespecting the teacher, other students, or any other student or faculty member. Not following our basic classroom expectations. Classroom Expectations: 1. Listen quietly when others are speaking. 2. Follow directions right away. 3. Be kind and courteous: a. keep hands and feet to self b. use kind words 4. Be responsible: a. take care of classroom materials b. return important papers c. return daily folder
Discipline Procedure: (PINK) Very Happy Face (A) – This is where each student will begin his/her day. (GREEN) Kind of Happy Face (B) – (1 st warning) Students will be given a verbal warning. (PURPLE) Straight Face(C) – (2 nd warning) Students will be given a second verbal warning. Parents will be called to discuss student’s behavior. (BLUE) Frustrated Face (D) – Student will receive a behavior report. (ORANGE) Sad Face (F)– If a student is on Sad Face (F) he/she has received all other consequences and the behavior has not improved. He/she will be sent to the office to speak to Ms. Foster about consequences.
Students are not allowed to wear cargo shorts. Students must wear black or white shoes. They can be black and white, but no other color is allowed. Students must wear a black or brown belt. No other colors allowed. Students will receive a Uniform Violation form for any uniform violations.
It is school policy that we cannot have cupcakes for student birthdays unless it’s during Enrichment classes. An alternative can be to make goody bags for students. The birthday child will be allowed to pass them out at the end of the day.
Thank you to those of you who have already paid your child’s supply fee and membership fees!! I have already used some of the supply fee to purchase dry erase boards for each student. The membership fee will be used to pay for holiday parties as well as our class project for the Jubilee.
Please cover your child’s text books so that they can be taken care of. Reading books should be left in your child’s schoolbag. This way they will have them for classwork and homework. Your child’s math workbook will be sent home; however, It’s not a good idea to work ahead in math. I prefer that you wait until the skill is taught. Spelling workbooks can be left at home.
Homework will be checked daily on the day that it is due. Please help your child label his/her homework in the homework notebook with the subject and date. Please allow your child to use the whole sheet of paper before going to the next page and use the back of the page too. There’s no need to waste paper ;) Please leave your child’s homework sheet in his/her folder at all times. I use it to check homework.
Please clean out your child’s folder daily. All classwork can be removed. After homework is checked you may remove it.
The English and Spelling tests will be given on Thursday each week. The Reading and English tests will be given on Friday each week. We will also have science and social studies assessments. If the testing schedule needs to be changed for any reason, you will be notified ahead of time. Tests will be stapled together along with student’s pink sheet and sent home in the Tuesday folders. Please review the tests, sign the pink sheet, and return them in your child’s green folder.
Students lose participation points for: not turning in homework on the day that it is due. Not following directions Not paying attention Not finishing work when we transition to another activity. Not having supplies. Ex. Sharpened pencils, homework notebook, folder, etc.
Tuesday folder’s will be sent home every Tuesday. Please sign anything that needs to be signed and return it in that folder the following day. Failure to return the Tuesday folder on time will result in phone calls and behavior reports. Anything in the “Keep at Home” side can be removed from the folder and kept at home.
You can get to our class Wiki through Marrero Academy’s website or you can go straight to it by using this address There are several great resources for you to use with your child!
Contact Information There are a few ways to contact me. You can send a note in your child’s folder. You can me at I check my s several times throughout the day. Please put your child’s name in the subject. You can call the school office and leave a message. I will only get my messages during my planning and after school.
Pencil Policy All pencils will be left at home. Students are to have five sharpened pencils for school each day. Sharpening the pencils will be part of their homework. We lose too much instructional time sharpening pencils each day. Students are not to bring hand sharpeners to class. Students will lose participation points for not having sharpened pencils.
Gretna Jubilee Most of you are probably familiar with this event. Each class must make a basket and a project. I have already started on the basket. We will be doing a “Staycation.” I have a two night stay at the InterContinental New Orleans. I plan to add restaurant gift cards along with other fun New Orleans places. If you know anyone who works in a place that you think might be good for our basket, please let me know. ++ Be careful of the dates.
Money Policy Please, please, please send all money in a labeled envelope. If you are out of envelopes you can staple a note to the money.
Important Information If your child has any food allergies, please let me know tonight. If your phone number, address, or home address change, please let me know as soon as possible.
In addition to the advanced curriculum, your child will have the added benefit of the following daily enrichments in my class: "Mystery Monday" - I read a short mystery and the students use inferencing and draw conclusions to solve the mystery. "Top Secret Tuesday" - I reveal one trick that awesome authors do, and then we practice it. (Examples include adding an interesting detail, changing repeating phrases, ending a story with a lesson learned, or beginning a story with a question.) "Wordy Wednesday" - We practice reading nonsense words, we answer rhyming riddles called "hinky pinkies," we create word ladders, and we complete a mad lib that focuses on a specific phonics skill. Then we read them, illustrate them, and share them with lots of giggles! "Theme Thursday" - We read books, do a special writing activity, create art, or have a special snack that pertains to the reading theme of that week. "Fiction Friday" - We learn about famous fiction. We sort and compare Fairy Tales, Fables, and Folk Tales. We will perform a reader's theater in which a famous Fairy Tale or Fable has been given a silly twist!
We will be using lots of technology and hand-on activities every week to practice Reading Comprehension, Phonics, Vocabulary, and Math. Some examples include Starfall, Brain Pop Jr., Promethean Flipcharts, Poetry Powerpoints, foldables, story webs, letter tiles, word ladders, spelling word cheers, vocabulary BINGO, and a game called "Flip It Down."
We will be starting reading in the middle of the 1 st grade curriculum. We will begin with 2 nd grade curriculum around the middle of the year. We are using the 2 nd grade spelling words. We are doing all 2 nd grade math. Science and social studies will be on a 1 st grade level.
Summer Extra Credit Students will receive credit at the end of the nine weeks. Five points for each assignment completed will go on the three lowest test grades.