COMMITTEE MEMBERS Chair: Dan Cornell Members: Michael Coates Tony UcedaVelez Ofer Maor Helen Gao Applicants: None
ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN MARCH 1.Budget Update Draft budget has been discussed. One item on the budget: 1.Membership Committee Administrative Support 2. Regional Supporters Discussed creating a Regional supporter model that would be more compatible with non-US and Western European supporters. Ofer Maor has outlined a potential model for this and it is under Membership Committee review. 3. Attracting Industry Supporters There is a desire to attract more “Industry” (ie non-vendor) Organizational Supporters. This will require an overhaul of the benefits offered to Supporters. Some initial discussions have been had about how this might be accomplished. 4. Attracting Non-US and Western Europe Members There is a desire to attract more Members from non-US and non-Wester Europe individuals. This will require reducing the cost of individual Membership for some of these individuals and will likely involve overhauling the benefits provided.
ITEMS THAT NEED BOARD VOTE/APPROVAL 1.Budget 1.Committee needs $10,000 in order to hire some administrative support to provide regular calls and other contact with Members and Supporters.
ONGOING PROJECTS AND EFFORTS 1.Create Regional Supporter Options 2.Attract more Industry Supporters 3.Attract more non-US and non-Western Europe members