THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR RESULTS OBTAINED FROM ANY INFORMATION DISCUSSED DURING HAWKTRADE MEETINGS. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate, so that investors' shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Investing in any financial instruments does not guarantee that an investor will make money, avoid losing capital, or indicate that the investment is risk-free. There are no absolute guarantees in investing. HAWKTRADE and its members do not bear any responsibility for losses or gains made by members trading on their personal accounts based on analysis from HAWKTRADE meetings.
Stock Investment Club: Goals: Learn/Analyze Economic Events & Markets Learn about Investing (Stocks,ETFs, Portfolio Theory, etc.) Have Fun! Open Discussion Atmosphere!
Edward Bellay – President Eleanor (Nell) Miller – Vice-President Zhixiang (Neil) Zhang – Treasurer Siddig Siddig – Technology Joey Springer – Group Simulations Grant Wierson – Marketing Mark Mclaughlin – Research
$30 per semester fee to join HawkTrade Airliner Pizza/other food, drinks, etc. Automatically enrolled in Investment Competitions Investment Competition Prizes Must attend at least 50% of meetings to be “in good standing” Exceptions may apply
20 minutes: Discuss current macro events Analyze the Markets 30 minutes: Sector Researchers Report to Club Analyze Sector News/Updates 10 minutes Questions/Open Discussion on Anything Some Meetings may be “topic” lectures
2 Investment Competitions per semester Stock Investment: ▪ Buy & hold/Diversification/Dividend Reinvestment Trading: ▪ Margin ▪ Options/Futures ▪ Leveraged ▪ Day Trading Can Participate in Both and WIN PRIZES!
Internships/Jobs will be ed to HawkTrade Members throughout the Year Internships/Jobs may consist of: Sales and Trading Financial Analysis Wealth Management Corporate Finance
Read WSJ and FT everyday WSJ Student Subscription FT is Free (technically) in PBB Check HawkTrade for Recommended Readings We are Resources Too! Talk with the Executive Board for more insight & direction
All s should be directed to the President: Do not Do not sign-up to Orgsync (if you have already it is okay, but it does not indicate membership) If you wish to be removed from the list contact: