11 Sustainability Plan October 21, 2008
2 Sustainability “Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”
3 Why Sustainability at NYU Langone? Financial (ROI) Climate Change Public Health Attract & Retain Talent Public Relations Regulatory Changes
4 Annual Energy Cost
5 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Our energy consumption contributed 79,496 tons of CO2 to the atmosphere in 2007 It would take over 16,000 acres of pine forests to sequester that much carbon
6 Sustainability & Public Health “more than 60,000 Americans may be dying from exposure to particulate air pollution each year” “You get immediate local health benefits for doing the right thing on global climate change.”
7 Sustainability Plan: Comprehensive Scope Energy Management Sustainable Architecture Sustainable Operating Practices Community Outreach and Training
8 Energy Management: Accomplishments – Grants & Incentives
9 Energy Management: Accomplishments – Conservation
10 Facilities Energy Team
11 Sustainable Architecture: Our Opportunity Our planned expansion present a rare opportunity to build a healthier healthcare facility to benefit not only our patients; but our staff, community and the global environment Decisions we make now will set the course for decades to come.
12 Sustainable Architecture Energy and water efficiency Moderation in the use of materials Healthy and inspiring environments – indoor environmental quality Construction material selection – sustainable elements Daylight optimization Waste minimizing construction practices
13 Sustainable Architecture: Benefits Employee satisfaction & retention Lower life cycle cost Patient safety & satisfaction Contributes to healing environment Lower medical error rates Attracts employees One study showed: Nurses in a unit which had windows in their break room reduced medical mistakes by 40% and showed decreased stress levels by 25% when compared to their peers in another unit with no windows. ICU Study in MN, 1996
14 Sustainable Architecture: LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is the nationally accepted benchmark for high performance green buildings (Certified, Silver, Gold & Platinum) Dell Children’s Hospital, in Austin TX, measured each design decision against four rules: 1.We will not do anything dumb to achieve a LEED point. 2.Dumb was anything that didn’t have a Return on Investment(ROI) of 8.33 years or less and anything that created additional maintenance. 3.We must know if we are being dumb; every decision needed to be tested. 4.We will achieve a Platinum Certification.
15 Sustainable Operating Practices How we operate what we have is important too: Purchasing policies (recycled paper, low-mercury light bulbs, natural rubber latex, etc.) Continuous commissioning and train our maintenance staff to ensure the building systems are performing at top efficiency Energy management and conservation operating strategies to reduce our consumption
16 Increase recycling (currently 783 tons/year or 20% of our waste) Add and improve convenience of receptacles Identify more recyclable wastes Reduce medical waste Proper disposal of waste Sustainable Operating Practices Reduce Waste Reduce waste and expand recycling program:
17 Low flow plumbing fixtures (“Pint” urinals) Dual flush water closets Auto sensor lavatories Low flow kitchen sinks and showerheads Reuse process water Sustainable Operating Practices Water Use Reduction
18 Combined Heat & Power (Cogeneration) CHP is our greatest opportunity for improved energy efficiency, energy cost savings and reduced greenhouse gas emissions Cogeneration is a system that uses fuel to generate electricity and heat simultaneously. The heat, usually wasted, produces steam for heating & cooling Cogeneration systems are 70-95% efficient vs. standard utility generation efficiency of 30%
19 Used Energy Wasted Energy Power Plant Wasted Heat Con Ed Steam Transmission Losses Conventional Electrical Generation Hospital Electricity Steam Utility creates electricity 67% of energy is wasted
20 Used Energy (Thermal) Wasted Energy Power Plant Boilers Wasted Heat Oil / Gas Transmission Losses Hospital Electricity Steam Cogen Unit Gas Combined Heat and Power (Cogeneration) User creates electricity Only 17% of energy is wasted Steam & electric cost savings Used Energy (Electric)
21 Benefits of Cogeneration Savings - reduced electricity and steam cost Enhanced power reliability; nearly full power during blackout Enhanced steam reliability Reduced risk; resilient to changes in fuel cost Positive environmental impact; cut GHG emissions by a third Promoted by Federal, State, and Local Government
22 Sustainability: PlaNYC Mayor Bloomberg’s transformative proposal for the sustainability of New York City 30% reduction greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 Nine “2030 Challenge Partner” Universities, including NYU, have signed on
23 Sustainability: PlaNYC 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 NYU Langone Medical Center is the first Hospital to make the commitment!
24 How We Will Succeed… Executive Leadership Support A collection of policies and strategies to achieve a more sustainable NYU Medical Center campus Development of team & structure EPA Energy Star Partnership Working with Practice Greenhealth Assessing our current condition Measure our eco-footprint Audit our waste streams Benchmark our energy usage Document improvements Share best practices Communicate!
25 Sustainability Team Team members will participate in finite amounts of time to work on specific initiatives; expected participants would include representatives from: Real Estate Development & Facilities Purchasing & Supply Chain Management Environmental Services Food & Nutrition Information Technology External Affairs / Communication Student Body Representation All other areas as needed for each initiative
26 By being a little smarter and working together, we can save a lot of money and help preserve the environment Paul Schwabacher Rich Cohen John Bartlik Jennifer Kearney The last Monday of every 3:00 in Founders Agenda & participants will be communicated in advance