MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-2020.


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Presentation transcript:

MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 2 Key messages European Maritime and Fisheries Fund for the period accompanying the implementation of the CFP with the necessary financial resources Focus on people and communities dependent on fisheries Boost to the development of EU aquaculture Stable financing for IMP

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 3 Interdependence with other legal instruments Financial Regulation CMOs Regulation EMFF Common Provisions with other funds CFP Basic Regulation

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 4 Interaction with other Funds Common Strategic Framework and Partnership Contracts: –Same rules – simplification –Joint framework for programming and implementation – more coordination –Specific rules - EMFF IMP mainstreamed under other CSF funds, ensuring synergies with broader initiatives like the Sea basin strategies

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES Common Strategic Framework (CSF) Covers the EAFRD, ERDF, ESF, Cohesion Fund and EMFF (the “CSF Funds”), and translates EU2020 thematic objectives into priorities and key actions for each of the funds Partnership Contract National document outlining the intended use of the funds in the pursuit of EU2020 objectives EMFF Other CSF funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, EARDF) EMFF Operational Programme Structured around six EMFF priorities (art. 6) Europe 2020 strategy Defines headline targets to be achieved by the Union Strategic Approach

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 6 Architecture (1) Shared management: 3 Pillars: - Sustainable and Smart Fisheries - Sustainable and Smart Aquaculture - Sustainable development of fisheries areas - Accompanying measures to the CFP: Data collection, control and market measures

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 7 Direct management: - Integrated Maritime Policy - Accompanying measures under the CFP: Scientific advice Governance Elements of control Voluntary contributions to RFMOs Technical assistance Architecture (2)

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 8 Europe 2020 and EMFF Supports aligned with 3 thematic objectives of Europe 2020: - Promoting employment and labour mobility - Enhancing the competitiveness of the fisheries and aquaculture - Protecting the environment and resource efficiency

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 9 6 Union’s priorities Translating the Europe 2020 thematic objectives in line with the objectives of the reformed CFP and the IMP: 1. Increasing employment and territorial cohesion 2. Fostering innovative, competitive and knowledge based fisheries 3. Fostering innovative, competitive and knowledge based aquaculture 4. Promoting a sustainable and resource efficient fisheries 5. Promoting a sustainable and resource efficient aquaculture 6. Fostering the implementation of the CFP

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 10 No more scrapping Fishing capacity has not decreased, in spite of €2.7 billion spent by EU and Member States on scrapping since Criticism of Court of Auditors Value for money: up to 1 million EUR for the vessel owner vs 5-6 thousand EUR creating one job in a fishing community

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 11 New Fisheries Measures (1) Focus on Social Sustainability: Support to communities dependent on fishing Health and safety conditions on board Growth and jobs through lifelong learning, new skills, business start-ups with emphasis on emerging maritime sectors Gender equality: “pêche à pied”, training for spouses of fishermen Support to social dialogue

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 12 The importance of small scale coastal fleets Allocation criteria based also on the share of the small scale coastal fleet Increased aid intensity of 75% for all the measures (60% under EFF) Tailor made measures for small scale coastal fleet: advisory services, business start-ups, retrofitting of vessels and special aid for spouses of fishermen Local development pillar (current Axis 4) benefitting primarily small scale and coastal fleets

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 13 New Fisheries Measures (2) Economic sustainability: Innovation in ideas, products, services, fishing techniques, or resources management, local innovation in fisheries areas, advisory innovation and business services Adding value to fishery products in particular through marketing, promotion and quality measures Modernisation of fishing vessels linked to safety and health on board, selectivity, energy efficiency, catch quality and the discard ban; higher aid intensity than under the EFF for both small scale and industrial fleets Additional sources of income through differentiation of economic activity

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 14 New Fisheries Measures (3) - The Sustainable Value for fisheries in line with the new CFP: Support to MSY and no-discards fishing Conservation measures (regionalisation) in line with the CFP Partnerships between fishermen and scientists Eco-innovation Promoting the participation of fishermen in management, restoration and monitoring of NATURA 2000 sites and other marine protected areas (marine litter, biodiversity services) Funding for more selective gears or fishing techniques

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 15 Boost for Aquaculture Growth and jobs : Encouraging new aquaculture farmers Investing in human capital: support to management, advisory and relief services and life-long learning Innovation and new forms of aquaculture: Off-shore and non-food aquaculture; New forms of income through multifunctional aquaculture Adding value to products through ‘in-house’ processing, marketing and direct sale

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 16 Boost for Aquaculture (2) Environmental sustainability: Increasing the potential of aquaculture sites through spatial, infrastructure, and environmental planning for aquaculture areas. Promotion of aquaculture with high level of environmental protection and delivering environmental services (ponds). Addressing the risks - Human and animal health: Development of best practices or codes of conducts on bio-security or on animal welfare Facilitating access to stock insurance

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 17 Sustainable development in fisheries areas - Building on success Bottom-up approach for: Growth and jobs, social cohesion Local Innovation Environment as an development asset Focus on: More value added in fisheries Diversification into other maritime sectors More support for the development of local strategies, networking, animations. “Multi-funding” as an option for the Member States

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 18 Control measures under shared management Special rules: Ring-fencing of the resources; Specific sections in the OP for control which may be modified every 2 years through a simplified procedure to adjust to the changing priorities of the Union in this policy Differentiated co-financing rates Advantages: Multi-annual strategic planning, less administrative burden

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 19 Data collection measures under shared management Special rules: Annual work programmes complementing the multiannual programming and allowing a regular interaction between COM and MS Ring-fencing of the resources allocated Specific sections in the OP Advantages: Multi-annual strategic planning, less administrative burden

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 20 Market measures Better products Adding value through marketing and processing measures Support to POs (in line with CMO Regulation) Measures specifically designed for Producers Organisations Production and marketing plans Storage aid for Pos (phasing out) Bringing outermost regions closer Specific compensation for additional costs in outermost regions for fishery and aquaculture products

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 21 IMP pillar (direct management) The Integrated Maritime Policy - the coordination and sustainable growth of sea-related activities to the benefit of coastal regions and maritime sectors. Maritime policy coordination tools – support to policy tools which cannot be developed within individual policy areas or at Member State level: –Maritime spatial planning –Integrated maritime surveillance –Marine knowledge –Marine strategy framework directive Blue Growth: identifies and addresses barriers that hinder growth in emerging maritime sectors.

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 22 Conditionality Ex-ante and ex-post conditions Ex-ante: fulfilment of general pre-conditions like administrative capacity, common to all funds. Ex post: performance reserve based on the achievement of milestones related to Europe 2020 objectives. Specific EMFF conditionality: Compliance of MS and operators with the rules of CFP from admissibility to implementation of operations. Ex-ante conditionality regarding (i) Business set-up (ii) the establishment of aquaculture Multiannual national strategic plans (iii) administrative capacity to comply with data requirements (iv) administrative capacity in the area of control and enforcement. This results in: Stronger compliance with CFP rules Increased coherence with the objectives of CFP reform

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 23 EMFF Specific Conditionality ConditionsConsequences if not met For operators Serious infringement Art.42 IUU RegulationNon admissibility of applications Recovery of funds Financial correction by MS Vessel involved in IUU Other cases of non compliance with CFP rules For Member States Ex-ante: Capacity for control obligationsSuspension of payments Ex-ante: Capacity for data collection obligations Ex-ante: National Strategic Plan on Aquaculture Non compliance with obligations of the CFPInterruption of payments Suspension of payments Financial correction by COM

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 24 New Evaluation and Monitoring Framework The process – dialogue with MS on both the framework and the indicators: –Result indicators (limited number – around 10) –Output indicators (common definition) –Content of evaluation plan (ongoing from ex-ante to ex-post) Performance framework based on result indicators –Targets set in OP, their achievement will trigger the performance reserve –Need to ensure ambitious targets Indicative example: –EU level: reduction of discards is a priority –PC/OP: set target on reduction of discards by milestones/choice of measures and financial allocation –Special reports in 2017 and 2019 on achievement of targets Evaluation: ex-ante from early stage, ongoing for special reports, ex-post by MS

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 25 Financial management under shared management NEW with the EMFF: Measures: Control, data collection and marketing measures Mechanism: harmonised through new Financial Regulation of the Union and based on AGRI model Rules: Common provisions are proposed for all the funds (AGRI, REGIO, EMPL, HOME, MARE) Delegated acts and Comitology procedure: Treaty of Lisbon REMAINS with the EMFF: Only 1 Operational Programme (OP) by MS = –1 negotiation –1 decision adopting the OP

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 26 Financial allocation and resources Shared management: MEUR of which: MEUR Sustainable development of fisheries, aquaculture and fisheries areas MEUR 477 Control and Enforcement MEUR 358 Data Collection MEUR 105 Outermost regions MEUR 45 Storage Aid Direct management: MEUR IMP Scientific Advice, Control, Governance and Technical Assistance

Slide MARITIME AFFAIRS & FISHERIES 27 Simplification One single financial instrument with data collection, control, market intervention moved to a shared management Possibility of using the same bodies for the implementation as for rural development Coherent programming, evaluation and monitoring framework through a limited number of common indicators for all MS Simplified procedure for the OP modification One Operational Programme covering all regions (no distinction between Convergence and non Convergence ) One EU co-financing rate of 75% (with the exception of data collection and control) One aid intensity of 50% (with few exceptions) Wide use of simplified costs options and lump sums