What is Marketing?
The process of developing, promoting, and distributing products and services, to satisfy customers needs and wants.
GoodsServices Tangible products What are some examples? Intangible products What are some examples?
Companies survive and prosper through meeting the needs and wants of customers. Customer satisfaction is the main focus
Market ◦ Potential customers with same needs ◦ Customers who have desire & ability to buy product Target Market ◦ Specific group of consumers that an organization selects as the focus of its marketing plan ◦ Demographics: age, sex, income, education level
The Four Ps ProductPricePlacePromotion
What will we sell? Designing Naming Packaging
How much should we charge? Costs Competition Demand
Where should we sell our product? Distribution Logistics
How do we communicate our product to our target market? Advertising Personal Selling Sales Promotions Publicity