W HAT IS A MISSION S TATEMENT ? A Mission Statement Defines the Present State or Purpose of an Organization Answers 3 questions about why an organization exists What is does Who is does it for How it does what it does Should be written succinctly in the form of a sentence or two but for a shorter time frame 1-3 years Something that ALL employees should be able to recite upon request
W HAT IS A MISSION S TATEMENT C ONT. Having a clearly defined Mission Statement also helps employees better understand things like company-wide decisions, organizational changes, and resource allocation which should lessen workplace conflicts.
M ISSION S TATEMENT Characteristics… Concise Not as short as a Vision Statement, mission statement still get their point across in one sentence Outcome-oriented Explain the fundament outcomes your organization is working to achieve Inclusive Makes a statement about your group’s key goals, it’s very important that they do so very broadly. Example) Promoting child health and development through a comprehensive family and community initiative.
E XAMPLES Nissan Nissan provides unique and innovative automotive products and services that deliver superior, measurable values to all stakeholders in alliance with Renault. Weber High School Weber High will provide students with the skills of Citizenship, Accountability, and Life-Long Learning (CALL). NatureAir To offer travelers a reliable, innovative and fun airline to travel in Central America Target Our mission is to make Target the preferred shopping destination for our guests by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation and an exceptional guest experience by consistently fulfilling our Expect More, Pay Less brand promise.
W HAT IS A V ISION S TATEMENT ? A Vision Statement Defines the optimal desired future state – the mental picture – of what an organization wants to achieve over time Provides guidance and inspiration as to what an organization is focused on achieving in 5, 10, or more years Functions as the “north star” it is what all employees understand their work everyday ultimately contributes towards accomplishing over the long term Written in an inspirational manner that makes it easy for all employees to repeat it at any given time. Leaders may change, but a clearly established Vision encourages people to focus on what’s important
V ISION S TATEMENT Characteristics… Easy to communicate Inspiring and uplifting to everyone involved in your effort Understood and shared by members of the community
E XAMPLES Alzheimer’s Association “Our Vision is a world without Alzheimer’s disease” Avon To be the company that best understands and satisfies the product, service and self-fulfillment needs of women – globally.” Microsoft Empower people though great software anytime, anyplace, and on any device. Education for All Peace on Earth Safe Streets, Safe Neighborhoods
MissionVision About Talks about HOW you will get where you want to be. Defines the purpose and primary objectives related to customer needs and values Outlines WHERE you want to be. Communicates purpose and values of your business. Answer What do we do? What makes us different? Where do we aim to be? Time Talks about the present leading to the future Talks about your future Function Lists the broad goals for which the organization is formed. Lists where you see yourself some years from now. Inspires you to give your best. Shapes your understanding of why you are working here. Change May change but it should tie back to your core values, customer needs and vision As you evolve you may want to change your vision but it should be kept to a minimum Developing a Statement What do we do today? For whom? What is the benefit? It is Why we do what we do! Where do we want to be going forward? When do we want to reach that stage? How do we want to do it? Features Purpose and values of the organization and thinks about the organizations stakeholders/clients Clear and lack of ambiguity. Describes and bright future. Memorable and engaging. Realistic. Aligns with Values
P ERSONAL M ISSION S TATEMENTS Google Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. 1 Sentence and Clearly Defined! Statement Sincerely Describes THEIR Mission Personal Mission Statement Must condense your personal ambitions and goals into an accurate declaration of what you have to off the world. It should describe YOUR MISSION where a Business Mission Statement describes the Business’s Mission