Socio-Economic Empowerment of Rural Poor through Sustainable Community Institutions in Bihar JEEViKA Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (BRLPS) - State Rural Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) Government of Bihar
JEEViKA : NRLM in Bihar JEEViKA - Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society was launched in Oct,2007. The Model of JEEViKA , mobilisation of poor women into SHGs and its federations & provide Greater Voice for leveraging resources, entitlements and collective action was initiated in 6 Districts across 42 blocks. In 2011-12, BRLPS designated as State Rural Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) to replicate JEEViKA model in the entire State under NRLM. The Key Result at the outcome level are: 1.5 Crore rural poor organized into 10 lakh SHGs. 15 Lakh Job Creation in formal sector. Rs 1 lakh is investment /family through grants, loan and self investment Nearly 1 crore Households would be out of Poverty. JEEViKA has its presence in 167 blocks across 21 Districts of Bihar. The rest 367 blocks will be in the fold by Mar, 2013-14.
JEEViKA : Institutional Architecture Sub-Block Federations Strengthen and Support VOs Credit to VOs Liaison with Banks & Markets “COMMUNITY FRANCHISEES” Convergence and Entitlements - 2 CLF PC Village Organizations Strengthening of SHGs Arrange line of credit to the SHGs Livelihood support services Support community professionals Convergence and Entitlements VO SHG Self Help Groups Thrift and credit activities Participatory monitoring Micro Plans PG Members
JEEViKA : INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK Livelihoods Enhancement Financial Inclusion Savings, Credit Insurance Remittances Help Desks at Banks Banking Correspondents Productivity Enhancement Agriculture (SRI, SWI, PVSP) Dairy & Small Ruminants Bee Keeping Fisheries , Makhana Non-farm incl. Art & Crafts Market Access Collective Marketing Producer Companies Market Partnerships Jobs and Skill Development Institutional Platforms of the Poor (SHGs & Federations) Vulnerability Reduction Access to Entitlements BPL Cards PDS Cards Job Cards Social Pensions Food Security Land Leasing Productivity Enhancement Food Rations from PDS Collective Purchase of Food Health Security Health Savings Loans from Health Risk Fund Women Outreach Workers Mobile Clinics
4/22/2017 JEEViKA : HH LEVEL FRAMEWORK HH level Financial Product, Awareness & access to health services/entitlements of Govt. through CBOs Collective Procurement, Public Distribution System, Productivity Enhancement Information sharing at CBO level, Demand Driven education-Skilled, NREGS & other programmes, Signature to Functional Literacy Financial Products, Demand Driven Land /Pond Leasing, Assertization, Selling marketable surplus through CPC / PC / DCS / Etc. OFF/NON FARM GOAT REARING / POULTRY / BEEKEEPING / FISHERY / SKILL BUILDING DAIRY E X P N D I T U R C O I N C O M E H A T MGNREGS AGRICULTURE
Achievement (till July,13) JEEViKA : PROGRESS S.N. Parameters Achievement (till July,13) 1. No of HH Mobilized into SHG fold 1354130 2. No of SHG formed 107812 3. No of VO formed 5117 4. No of CLF Formed 98 5. No of SHGs having Bank Account 80790 6. No of SHGs Linked with Banks 57911 7. Amount Mobilized from Bank (Rs in crore) 302 8. No of Youth Placed 30912 9. No. of SHG members in Livelihoods intervention 298773 10. No of DCS Formed 359 11. No. of VOs Participated in the Food Security & Health Risk Intervention 3913 12. No of SHG member linked with the Insurance 222456
JEEViKA : Convergence Model JEEViKA creates a platform of rural poor / beneficiaries as CBOs, Joint effort of Department & CBOs to provide services JEEViKA build the capacity of CBOs on “What and How” Access the entitlements and converge with Deptt. JEEViKA , CBOs, Panchayat Functionaries and Department interface with each other on How to implement and when CBOs will generate the demand and submit the demand Panchayat Functionaries / Department will receive the demand and register the demand Orders will be issued in the name of the Individual beneficiaries and CBOs will collect the same from the office CBOs will inform the Individual beneficiaries CBOs and Department will ensure that the beneficiaries access the Entitlements and get benefit from Convergence.
Role of Community Institution in MGNREGA Implementation Planning Village level – Self Land (esp: to encourage women Participate & Influence in Gram Sabha Implementation Demand Registration Member participation as per the work allotted Bridge Financing Community Grievance Monitoring Tracking the regular participation Individual member Social Audit
JEEViKA Experience- “MGNREGA” PHASE I Pilot Area : Bochaha, Musahari & Meenapur in Muzaffarpur. Result : Created 432810 man days for 5397 SHG members of 31 VOs receiving wage amount of Rs. 8.22 crore. Out of which ,2100 SHG members got 100 days of work. Phase II Pilot Area : Lakhnaur ( Mdh), Musahari ( Muz), Noorsarai ( Nln), Dhamdaha ( Purnia) Implementation Status: Participated in Gram Sabha , JOB Demand Registration & JOB Card campaign organized, Bank Account. Result :Around 26700 SHG Women Participated in Gram Sabha & Around 54300 schemes submitted. 12730 Cumulative demand & 5637 Work Allotment with 30 Average Man days, generating Total Wage of Rs. 2,33,37,180.00. .
Joint Efforts in four blocks of Bihar Convergence with Line department at Panchayat block and State level. Creation of Labour Bank at Cluster level Federation . Community Extension Mechanism – Village Resource persons. Bridge Finance – To Take care of the delay in payment under MGNREGA.
Bridge Financing Interim working capital to minimize repercussions of lag in wage payment. Pilot initiated in 14 VOs Amount to Rs 6,45,120
DEVELOPMENT OF OPERATIONAL MANUAL A Community Operational Manual to be developed with the Joint effort of JEEViKA and Department District MGNREGA Committee to be formed in which JEEViKA and CBOs representative may be part of it. Roles and responsibilities of Department , JEEViKA and CBOs to be made clear . Time line for deliverables along with the responsibility to be mentioned. Weekly meeting CBOs and Rojgar Sewak Monthly Meeting of Program Officer , JEEViKA Block Project Manager and CLF representative Monthly Meeting of the Committee Assignment detail will be shared in CLF meeting. 15 days -E muster will be handed over to the committee at a time. Bridge Financing Module
THANK YOU JEEViKA : A Presentation by Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society – State Rural Livelihoods Mission, Bihar