CI Consumer Justice and Protection programme Indrani Thuraisingham CI Office for Asia-Pacific and the Middle East.


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Presentation transcript:

CI Consumer Justice and Protection programme Indrani Thuraisingham CI Office for Asia-Pacific and the Middle East

Background CI’s work on CP at 3 levels: international, regional and national Two-fold approach: Institutional Lobbying

Lack of legal basis for consumer rights Weak enforcement of CP laws and avenues No recognition of the right of associations No resources to maintain consumer associations Relevance

Rationale Lack of consolidated database of resources Limited advancement of CP measures Narrow scope of UN Guidelines Limited access to justice Weak designated CP Government agency/ independent consumer associations

Objectives of the CJP Programme Facilitating development and enhancement of legal/enforcement framework Enabling easy access to database of resources Integrating CP measures in the work of IGOs Strengthening global CP architecture Capacitating CI members on access to justice

Implementation strategies Global coordination by CIAPME with other CI offices Establishment and consultation through CJP Expert committee

CJP and strategic components Component 1: Global Consumer Protection Architecture Research on CPM & Consumer issues Engagement with UNCTAD Expert Committee on CJP/ UNGCP network meetings Campaigns and Trainings

CJP and strategic components contd… Component 2: Sustainable Consumer Organization Business Models Research on Business & Funding Models Capacity Buidling of Cos Component 3: Partnerships with Intergovernmental organization Component 4: Development and enhancement of legal/enforcement framework on CP

CJP and strategic components contd… Component 5: Asset Library (Database of resources on CJP) Communication tools Sharing of information and linking to database Component 6: Complaints handling by CO / CP organizations

Expectations from members Actively support and follow CI’s work on CJP as well as share information Take part in the research and conduct advocacy at the national level Networking with relevant agencies Handle consumer complaints

CJP Programme for Strengthening global consumer protection architecture Initiate the process to review effectiveness of CP measures in at least two countries Conduct analysis of the Global survey on CP measures Joint publication of CUTS and CI on CP Regimes in the world Global Expert Committee meeting on CJP

2. Support and empower sustainable consumer organization business models. Complete final phase of global survey analysis of the sustainable consumer organisations business models Capacity Building of COs by conducting at least one online training 3. Develop partnership with IGOs Engagement with UNCTAD Establishing at least one partnership with IGOs Drafting and submitting project proposals

4. Enhance legal framework on CP Provide technical assistance to members Report on recommendations for review of UNGCP 5. Establish Asset Library Database of Resources Highlight member stories 6. Capacitate CI members on consumer redress Developing guidelines/ standards for consumer redress

CJP programme is an excellent opportunity to facilitate co-operation between CI and its members and relevant consumer protection agencies to collaborate on joint initiatives for consumer protection. -