What is race?
Race as a social construction (read page 162) The thought among academics is that race is best thought of as a social construction A social construction is an idea or concept that doesn’t exist in nature but it is created and given meaning by people How have we created race?
Racism – intolerance of people perceived to be inherently or genetically inferior Racism as an ideology – Nazism – Slavery – story of sugar Human trafficking
Discrimination What is discrimination? What is institutional discrimination: a situation in which the policies, practices, or laws of an organization or government disadvantage people because of their cultural differences Examples? (apartheid, ghettos in Nazi Germany)
Ethnicity Ethnicity – a subjective identification – Personal – who we think and feel we are. We assign qualities to ourselves and others assign qualities to us. – Behavioral – the components of the behavioral aspect of ethnicity inclue language, religious beliefs Food, Styles of dress, dance, music or art.
Indigenous Peoples – first peoples Characteristics – Ancestral ties to pre-colonial or pre-settler societies – Self identification and acceptance by others as a member of and indigenous group – Status in society as non-dominant Indigenous peoples are ethnic groups but may prefer to identify themselves by different names.
Race and Ethnicity in the Global Context Why do governments identify and enumerate different racial or ethnic groups? (Enumerate means to count)
What is language? Why do we need language?
Language A system of communication based on symbols that have agreed upon meanings. How and why is language a key component of culture. What are examples of language as part of culture?
Dialect is also part of language Dialect is a particular variety of a language characterized by distinct vocabulary, grammar and or pronunciation. For example: nguistics/ nguistics/ These people are all from the same country, why do they sound different?
Types of language Sign languages – no spoken languages used to communicate with people whose hearing or speech is impaired. Body language – gestures, facial expressions and other body movements Touch/tactile language – Braille, Specialized languages Natural languages – languages have have emerged and evolved within living and historic communities Artificial languages – Elvish, Vulcan, Klingon
How many languages in the world? 6900 different languages in the world See chart on page 101 for the estimated numbers of speakers in different languages.
Language families Languages have been around for about 30,000 years but many people cannot agree on the origins of language because early languages weren’t written down. The world’s languages have been classified into language families – a collection of languages that share a common but distant ancestor. There about 90 different language families but 6 are considered major language families.
Major language families A hearth is a region or place where an innovation, idea, belief or cultural practice begins i.e. language and/or religion The spread of language families is associated with migrations of different groups.
Language diffusion Three forces that help diffuse language Politics Religion Economics
Map of the Roman World
Linguistic dominance is a situation when one language becomes comparatively more powerful than another language
Language Dynamics How do languages change from one place to another What new words have been added to the English language? How do these words reflect a change in culture? A loan word is a word that originates in one language and is incorporated into the vocabulary of another language. What loan words can you list?
Pidgin and Creole languages A pidgin language is one that combines vocabulary and/or grammar from two or more languages. A creole language is a language that develops from a pidgin language and is taught as a first language: Ex: Hawaiian Creole English.
Lingua Franca A language that is used to help trade or business between people who speak different languages. Some say English is a lingua Franca both others say that English will not become a global language. Please read why on page 111
Language Diversity Index The LDI is the assortment of languages in an area. It is measured with 0.00 to.99. If a country has a linguistic diversity of.00 then it is likely that two people chosen at random will speak the same language. Countries close to a 1.0 will have considerable linquistic diversity. U.S officially has 176 languages with a LDI of …..27 Look at the chart and map on 115
Languages at risk Endangered language – a language that is no longer taught to children by their parents and is not used by conversation every Extinct language – a language that has no living speakers