A Reorganization? How Do We Manage the Chart of Accounts? Cathy Caldwell, CPA General Accounting Manager UNC-Wilmington
Session Etiquette Please turn off all cell phones. Please keep side conversations to a minimum. If you must leave during the presentation, please do so as quietly as possible. 2
Overview Who uses Fund/ORG security? UNCW different 3
Overview –ORGS at UNCW very complex and affect many processes in Banner System –UNCW chose to use 5 digit ORGs, defined as: 4 Level 1 UNCWPredecessor 10UNCW Level 2 UNCW Division 30Academic Affairs/Provost10 Level 3 UNCW College/Admin Unit 301Enrollment Affairs30 Level 4 UNCW Department 3012University College301 Level 5 Organization Code 30121Learning Community3012
Overview ORG numbering scheme allows room for growth Two types of ORGs: –Finance ORG –HR ORG Beginning of Banner, used easy checklist to manage ORGs at end of fiscal year Easy checklist lasted only 1 year 5
Overview Processes needed to be developed to manage new ORGs and Re-orgs ORG changes needed to be well planned ORG committee evolved 6
What is the ORG Committee? Original members key areas –Controller –General Accounting –Budget –Human Resources Expanded as ORG changes impacted subsystems –Facilities joined –Contracts & Grants joined –Financial Systems joined –Academic Affairs joined 7
What is the ORG Committee? ORG Committee communicates to and educates Dept: –Developed policy and procedures for Dept –Meetings originally at year end have been increased to once a month –Designated for easy communication with ORG Committee –Developed Sharepoint site for ORG Committee as a central location for documents and member communication –Website: 8
What is the ORG Committee? 9
Tools Developed by ORG Committee To help Dept consider all aspects of Re-Orgs, committee developed tools –Developed Org change questionnaire –Questionnaire intended to help both Dept and Org Committee 10
Tools Developed by ORG Committee 11
Org Changes TimeLine of Events Made with Office Timeline 2010www.officetimeline.com JanFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune Deadline for updating systems with chng 6/29 Deadline for submsn all org change docs 6/1 Start Bud Mgrs submsn HR and Fin docs 5/1 Bud Mgrs mtg w/ Org com w/doc 4/16 Sr Apprv of Org Changes 3/14 Initial Meeting with Org Subcomm 2/15 Org Committee to Bud Mgrs 1/16
Tools Developed by ORG Committee –ORG Committee developed workbook to help Dept track changes involved with ORG change. –Sheets within workbook include: Instructional worksheet Summary worksheet Finance requirements worksheet Advancement requirements worksheet HR requirements 13
Tools Developed by ORG Committee Summary worksheet: 14
Tools Developed by ORG Committee Summary Worksheet: 15
Tools Developed by ORG Committee Finance Requirements Worksheet: 16
Tools Developed by ORG Committee Advancement Requirements Worksheet: 17
Tools Developed by ORG Committee HR Requirements Worksheet: 18
Tools Developed by ORG Committee Additional Forms Included for Re-Orgs: 19
Basic Steps Departments Tasks: –Dept completes questionnaire –Dept updates or creates new org chart reflecting proposed re-org –Meeting scheduled with ORG committee to discuss Completed questionnaire Existing ORG charts Proposed ORG charts 20
Basic Steps –Deadlines to meet: March 1:Provide new ORG charts with docs April 1: Provide fund establishment forms for new funds Provide complete list of Banner funds with appropriate finance orgs May 1:Prepare appropriate HR docs for changes in position funding or organization Provide HR Position/Personnel Action Request form for new pooled positions and terminate unneeded pooled positions Determine if journal entries or budget entries are needed HR access changes 21
Basic Steps ORG Committee Tasks: –Controller/Accounting Establish or change related Banner funds Establish new ORG numbers if applicable Coordinate changes in subsystems Reverse journal entries and feeds entered since July 1 with incorrect ORGs Request changes in rule codes for decentralized billing or feed documents Send list of modified ORGs to Financial Systems for rule code modifications or system access changes Process related journal entries 22
Basic Steps –Budgets Analyze and take appropriate action Analyze HR Position/Personnel Action Request form and/or HR EPA Permanent Personnel Assignment form and take appropriate budget action Create new pool positions and terminate unneeded pool positions –Purchasing Review and analyze current or future requisitions or purchase orders to ensure they have been closed out or changed to reflect the new org changes Identify existing purchasing cards tied to the fund/ORG changes and initiate changes with the purchase card holders and budget authorities 23
Basic Steps Human Resources –Upon request, report of employees’ PEAEMPL home ORG, leave keeping ORG and Admin ORG –Correct ORGs as needed on HR system –Supervisor changes – a current SSRS report can be provided upon request 24
Basic Steps Financial Systems – System Access –Upon request, a report of all employees with HR access to a specific ORG can be provided to originating Dept –After reviewing list, submit changes to HR data custodian –Upon request, a report of all employees with Banner Finance access to a specific ORG can be provided to originating Dept –After reviewing report, submit needed changes to the Finance data custodian 25
Summary Lessons learned: –Is there a better way? –Never too early to plan –Mid year ORG changes do not go smoothly and should be discouraged if possible –Can never communicate too much –Important to get all involved together –Re-ORGs will always happen 26
Summary 27