The Planting of English America
Enter The English Motives for English Colonization Dominant group in America today 1). To weaken Spain, France, Portugal, and Holland 2). Mercantilism a. possession of colonies as markets/ sources of materials a. possession of colonies as markets/ sources of materials b. favorable balance of trade b. favorable balance of trade c. supply of gold & silver c. supply of gold & silver
Enter The English Motives for English Colonization Background Notes France/Spain government controlled & paid for colonies, France/Spain government controlled & paid for colonies, English colonies paid for by private investment English colonies paid for by private investment North American Colonies North American Colonies st permanent colony - Jamestown VA1607 1st permanent colony - Jamestown VA 1/2 died in colonies - ship loads to replenish1/2 died in colonies - ship loads to replenish
Enter The English Motives for English Colonization Background Notes Adam Smith (1776 Englishman Wealth of Nations) Adam Smith (1776 Englishman Wealth of Nations) State Capitalism (State Controls) State Capitalism (State Controls) local merchants bring taxes local merchants bring taxes no new taxes unless new territoriesno new taxes unless new territories capitalist idea - tax to benefit the mother country capitalist idea - tax to benefit the mother country private individuals invest money under the control private individuals invest money under the control of the King successful merchant in London, invests in New Worldsuccessful merchant in London, invests in New World requires a CHARTER or contract (controlled investment)requires a CHARTER or contract (controlled investment)
Enter The English Motives for English Colonization 3. Overpopulation in England Enclosure movement- fencing off land for sheep, kick tenants off Enclosure movement- fencing off land for sheep, kick tenants off sent population into cities around 1600's sent population into cities around 1600's crime up - homeless transients crime up - homeless transients 4. Spread Protestant Christianity Indians - no religion (they thought) Indians - no religion (they thought) Spanish - Catholic Spanish - Catholic Puritans/religious persecution? Puritans/religious persecution?
Enter The English Motives for English Colonization 1. To weaken Spain, France, Portugal, and Holland 2. Mercantilism 3. Overpopulation in England 4. Spread Protestant Christianity
Enter The English Our English Heritage 1. Government Libertarianism Libertarianism "freedom in thought and conduct""freedom in thought and conduct" 1215 Magna Carta 1215 Magna Carta statement of rights of nobilitystatement of rights of nobility Parliament over the King: “evolution of a representative democracy” Parliament over the King: “evolution of a representative democracy” King becomes a figurehead eventuallyKing becomes a figurehead eventually Parliament elects Prime MinisterParliament elects Prime Minister House of Lords House of Lords House of Commons (title-less wealthy) House of Commons (title-less wealthy)
Enter The English Our English Heritage 2. Religion Strong connection between church & states Strong connection between church & states Anglicans - VirginiaAnglicans - Virginia Puritans - New EnglandPuritans - New England Catholics - MarylandCatholics - Maryland Strong anti-Catholic feeling in US Strong anti-Catholic feeling in US example JFK as the 1st Catholic POTUSexample JFK as the 1st Catholic POTUS
Enter The English Our English Heritage 3. Economics a businessman's country a businessman's country entrepreneurs - a capitalistic country entrepreneurs - a capitalistic country England later a dominant industrial country; US follows England later a dominant industrial country; US follows Private investment in US colonies by individuals Private investment in US colonies by individuals Right of Property Right of Property
Enter The English Our English Heritage 4. Society elements of society from England elements of society from England Ethnocentric concept failing to understand another culture Ethnocentric concept failing to understand another culture preoccupied with own culture preoccupied with own culture English colonizing rest of the world English colonizing rest of the world looked down on other ethnic groups looked down on other ethnic groups Females roles, Settlement Patterns Females roles, Settlement Patterns
Enter The English Our English Heritage 5. Law (tradition) Anglo-Saxon & Roman Anglo-Saxon & Roman Trial by Jury - comes out of Middle Ages Trial by Jury - comes out of Middle Ages Becomes an issue in colonial America Becomes an issue in colonial America
Enter The English Protestant Denominations Protestant Reformation - Martin Luther German Catholic priest German Catholic priest condemned use of priests condemned use of priests spoke out/ need to reform church spoke out/ need to reform church PRIESTHOOD OF INDIVIDUAL - can pray directly PRIESTHOOD OF INDIVIDUAL - can pray directly Luther excommunicated Luther excommunicated PROTEST standing of Catholic Church PROTEST standing of Catholic Church LUTHERANISM replaced priest with hierarchy of officials LUTHERANISM replaced priest with hierarchy of officials
Enter The English Colonial Charters "grants of land to individuals or groups to establish settlements & develop land" 1. land grants map "sea to sea" 1. land grants map "sea to sea" 2. types of grants 2. types of grants a. self governinga. self governing b. proprietaryb. proprietary c. royalc. royal 3. land grants were later the basis for establishing states 3. land grants were later the basis for establishing states 4. original colonial government structure (charter) determined division of the north & south 4. original colonial government structure (charter) determined division of the north & south