Welcome to Arcola’s Curriculum Night august 25, 2015 Presenters: Joan Craver, Anne Yost, and Maria Brittingham Grade 8/English Job Shadowing Program promoting Career Awareness in Methacton School District Goal is to give students opportunity to explore careers and observe the world of work.
John Holland’s theory was simple: 1.Like what you do! 2. Be interested in what you become! 3. This will make you a productive and happy employee at work! HOLLAND CODE THEORY Students who were guided (with their interests and talents) in secondary grades were more likely to select careers that made them happy and feel fulfilled. So, let’s try to focus on Holland Code choices.
HOLLAND code Survey used to determine an individual’s personality type Personality types help in narrowing career interests Consists of three letters Code is generic, no one code is better than another Students will complete a survey in English class under guidance of English teacher and Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Berardelli.
Categories Realistic – outdoorsy, mechanical, physically active, competitive, assertive Investigative – curious, inquisitive, questions things, observes rather than acts Artistic – creative, original, independent, inventive Social – friendly, outgoing, compassionate Enterprising – self confident, ambitious, determined, business oriented Conventional – organized, self sufficient, practical, like rules and regulations
The Holland Code Translates to a career Shadow a person in the work place Shadow for four hours, hours do not have to be consecutive Shadow in an area according to the Holland code, job does not have to satisfy entire code Shadowing hours can not be completed during school hours
Who to observe Parent Friend of the family Relative Career observed must fall within one of the letters of your HOLLAND code
When Scheduling the Observation Plan ahead Be sure to dress appropriately Ask if pictures and/or video can be taken Record notes during observation so as to be prepared for the presentation
The Presentation Take the notes from the shadowing experience and prepare a presentation Presentation should include specific items Presentation will be timed Presentation should include a visual