Metalloproteins and Metalloenzymes 3.1 Uptake 吸收, Storage 储存 and Transport 运输 3.2 Biological Chemistry of Iron, copper, and Zinc 3.3 Biological Chemistry.


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Presentation transcript:

Metalloproteins and Metalloenzymes 3.1 Uptake 吸收, Storage 储存 and Transport 运输 3.2 Biological Chemistry of Iron, copper, and Zinc 3.3 Biological Chemistry of Other Metals

Distribution of Iron, Zinc, and Copper  Fe out of a total of 4-5 g: 60-70% hemoglobin; 7-15% ferritin 铁蛋白 ; 3-5% myoglobin 肌红蛋白 ; 0.1% catalase 过氧化氢酶 ; 0.1% cytochromes 细 胞色素类  Zn out of a total of g: liver 肝 55 mg; kidney 肾 55 mg; muscle 肌肉 54 mg; heart 33 mg; pancreas 胰 29 mg; spleen 脾 21 mg; lung 肺 15 mg; brain 14 mg; adrenal 肾上腺 12 mg; prostate 前列腺 102 mg.  Cu out of a total of mg: 8 mg in liver; 15 mg in heart, spleen, kidneys, brain, blood; concentrated in the pigment parts of eyes

Protein Carriers in Blood Plasma Carrier Ion Transferrin 转铁蛋白 Fe 3+ Ceruloplasmin 血浆铜蓝蛋白 Cu 2+ Albumin 清蛋白 Zn 2+, Cu 2+ Metallothionein 金属硫蛋白 Zn 2+, Cu 2+, Cd 2+, Hg 2+, Co 2+, Pb 2+, Ag + Phosphoproteins Ca 2+ Non required Mg 2+, Na +, K +

Ion Storage Proteins Ion Ferritin 铁蛋白 Fe 3+ Metallothineine Cu 2+, Zn 2+, Heavy Metals Ceruloplasmin Cu 2+, Zn 2+ Serum Albumin Cu 2+, Zn 2+ Phosphoproteins Ca 2+

Metalloproteins and Metalloenzymes  conjugated proteins = protein + prosthetic (cofactor)  Holo-enzyme = apo-enzyme + prosthetic (cofactor)

Classification of Metalloproteins Dioxygen Carriers 氧载体 Redox Protein 氧化还原蛋白  Classification of Metalloenzymes Oxido-reductase 氧化还原酶 Transferase 转移酶 Hydrolase 水解酶 Lyase 裂解酶 Isomerase 异构酶 Ligase 连接酶

Bioinorganic Chemistry of Iron  Oxygen Carriers: hemoglobin 血红蛋白, myoglobin 肌红蛋白, hemerythrin 蚯蚓血红蛋 白  Redox proteins: iron sulfur protein 铁流蛋白, cytochrome c 细胞色素 c, cytochrome b5 细胞 色素 b5, etc.  Redox enzymes: cytochrome p450 细胞色素 p450, peroxidase 过氧化物酶, catalase 过氧 化氢酶,etc.

Bioinorganic Chemistry of Zinc  Hydrolysis Enzymes - Lewis Acid carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶 carboxypeptidase 羧肽酶 alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酯酶 proteinase  NAD-dependent dehydrogenases alcohol dehydrogenase 醇脱氢酶 glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶 lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶 malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸脱氢酶 * Structure Roles

Bioinorganic Chemistry of Copper  Oxygen Carriers Hemocyanin 血蓝蛋白  Redox Proteins-Electron Transfer Protein Plastocyanin 质体蓝素 Azurin 天青素 Stellacyanin  Oxido-Reductase

Oxido-Reductase Enzymes Superoxide Dismutase 超氧化物岐化酶 Tyrosinase 酪氨酸酶 Laccase 漆酶 Ascorbate Oxidase 抗坏血酸氧化酶 Galactose Oxidase 半乳糖氧化酶 Dopamine-B-Hydroxylase 多巴胺羟化梅 Amine Oxidase 胺氧化酶 Urate Oxidase 尿酸氧化酶 Cytochrome c Oxidase 细胞色素 c 氧化酶