BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING An organizational make-over Reengineering is new, and it has to be done. Peter F. Drucker
BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING âThe search for, and implementation of, radical change in business processes to achieve breakthrough results âSynonyms: business process redesign, business transformation, process innovation, business reinvention, change integration âStarting point: clean sheet of paper
BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING âStart from the future and work backwards âBPR is not easy - serious work âBPR is not free - financial & cultural âBPR often driven by fear and greed âChange is a struggle; BPR is a war
BPR: LESSONS LEARNED âGet the strategy straight first âLead from the top âCreate a sense of urgency âDesign from the outside in (customer) âCombine top-down & bottom-up efforts
BPR: STRATEGY* âStakeholder Assessment - shareholders, customers, employees âDetermine which stakeholder expectations should be met to gain competitive advantage âDetermine how to redesign to meet expectations âMap out IT solutions to support âDevelop & implement new processes, etc. * Adapted from A.D. Little Inc.
SOFTWARE REENGINEERING âRESTRUCTURING - Transforming unstructured (spaghetti code) code into structured code equivalent [10% penetration] âREENGINEERING - Gradually clean up old software without affecting user functionality âREVERSE ENGINEERING - Uncover or rediscover the design specification from existing code; then apply forward engineering
REVERSE ENGINEERING Program Source Code Structure Chart Data Flow Diagram Object-Oriented Model Business Functions Business Functions & Data
REVERSE ENGINEERING Program Source Code Data Dictionary Entity-Relationship Diagram Object-Oriented Model Business Data Business Functions & Data
REVERSE ENGINEERING User Satisfaction Portfolio Analysis Technical Quality High Low 1 2/3 3/2