REU PI Meeting Best Practices Chair: Masoud Milani Scribe: Behrooz Shirazi April 27, 2007
What is the best mentoring philosophy given the short length of the program? Tips – General labs seem to work better, but mentors prefer specific labs in their own area, hybrid works fine; –have students work with mentors in their areas of strength and interest; –pair students with your best graduate student mentors. –Interactions with students on a regular basis is crucial. –Clearly defined goals help both students and mentors. A common research seminar/course/workshop for all students – teach literature search, presentations, technical writings, ethics, etc. Structured relationship between mentors, grad students, and REU students (e.g., once a week meetings, presentations, reports, etc.) Have a workshop for mentors before the beginning of the REU program.
Can one make continued mentoring after completion of program? Is this feasible and effective? Tips –Work with mentors at students’ home institutions (establish long-term, personal relationships); –provide carrots (monetary award to continue to work on the project; send the student to conferences if they publish their work). –Keep you connections with the students after they leave the REU program. –Create a group such as Google group for REU participants at the beginning of the summer session. Continue mentoring in terms of continuation to grad school or career advancements (e.g., inform them of NSF graduate fellowships, give recommendations for grad schools, give job related recommendations, etc). Bring REU alums back to interact with current students.
What is the best way to motivate students to complete their research Create a general to-do list for each students Ask students to maintain a research log Ask students to write up their work and literature survey early on Continuously review student draft papers and give feedback
How can REUs on one campus work together to make the program stronger and more valuable overall? Tips –Multiple programs (not necessarily REU, but UG research related) allow for common social events; –bringing together creates energy that will challenge them to do one better than another; –can share housing and other infrastructures. Give common general seminars or bring common speakers. Joint workshops, poster sessions, or technical presentations. Coordinate with non-REU programs on campus.
What strategies exist to foster camaraderie amongst students and encourage them to work on research together? Tips –Force the students to work in groups; –presentations every week to encourage communication; –a common project in which all students work together on different aspects to complete the project. Have students review each others work and presentations. Participate in something like a communication studio (presentations, writing, etc.)
How can we get maximum exposure to a. the REU program and b. the individual student in the research community? Tips –NSF website; –visits to colleges; –personal invitations; –word of mouth. –Online REU journal. Publish papers about your REU program Participate in panel on REU at educational conferences Contact student organizations and encourage to participate Have students publish their work Poster sessions for students
What are the most helpful short workshops for REU students? Tips –Workshop on technical presentations; Workshop on libraries. Workshop on technical writing. Workshop on applying for grad school (how to get into grad school). Workshop on applying for scholarships. Workshops on ethics. Graduate student panels.
What are the best ways to social and networking events for REU students? Tips –For social events, the earlier the better; –once a week events (e.g., barbeque). Regular, informal gatherings with students and faculty (over coffee, pizza, etc.) Field trips to relevant locations, events (e.g., to a national lab).
What are some of the best practices that each site employs? Tips –Focus on publications, possible link between publication and going to graduate school; –share applicants with other sites; –have information sheet on faculty and staff for students; –provide a certificate at the end; –make it as easy as possible to arrive on campus and get started (class enrollment, housing, library card, parking permits, etc); –set high expectations; –expose students to well known professionals; –online application processing works well; –regular teleconferencing among multi-institutional REUs. –Get the age of your REU applicants to be better prepared to meet their needs. –Ethnic background information may be asked optionally.
What are some of the best practices that each site employs? –Certificates for faculty mentors. –Use current assessment processes available (national awards, scholarships, etc.) – don’t wait for future accomplishments. –Do background reading before attending REU. –Save all logistical communications ( ) for future reference. –Emphasis on ethics (professional leader, case studies, student participation). –Have students take leadership roles in managing the REU events. –Have students make presentations to higher administration. –Make sure you are on the NSF REU website. –Encourage professors to encourage their students to participate in REU. –Write your REU abstract (on your and NSF website) in a more exciting, inviting manner. –End of program survey by participants.
What are some of the best practices that each site employs? Invite other REU sites to join your program. Have students do preliminary and regular presentations. Research awards for students (possibly by external judges). Writing technical report and compile into an internal proceedings of the REU work. Have students write nuggets on their projects. Get to know your students. Set up a WIKI for your REU.
General Questions Q: What are the best ways to increase student diversity? A: Work with HBCUs and HSIs and women student organizations in engineering and computer science for recruiting Q: How can we get trip insurance for site visits and off campus social events? A: Use university’s motor pool and let the university accept the liability. Q: Can undergraduates participate in the REU program in the summer after their graduation. A: No. all participants must be undergraduate students during the term of the REU program Q: Are US citizens/residents who attend foreign university eligible for the REU program? Q: Yes Q: What is the best time for recruiting? A: Most PIs start making early contacts October/November