Unit 4: BIOCHEMISTRY The chemicals of life
A. Atoms 1. Made of 3 Particles: a. _________ - located in the _________ _________ charge; determine the element b. _________ – located in the ________ no charge = neutral c. ___________ - orbit outside nucleus _________ charge cause chemical __________ Atoms are the _________ unit of matter
B. Elements 1. H = __________ – ____ bond 2. O = __________ – ____ bonds 3. N = __________ – ____ bonds 4. C = __________ – ____ bonds 5. Other essential elements: Phosphorus (___) Iron(___) Zinc(___) Calcium(___) Sulfur(__) Sodium(___) Potassium(___) A __________ atom that is a single substance that cannot be broken down into smaller pieces
C. Molecules (_____________) 1. ________ – caused by elements ___________________ stores ________ in the molecule 2. __________ = chains of repeating small units 3. _______ - shows the composition of a compound Molecular formula - indicates the actual nos. and kinds of atoms in a molecule Structural Formula - how the atoms are arranged or held together C 6 H 12 O 6 combinations of ________
D. Inorganic Compounds 1. Don’t contain _________________________ together. 2. Examples: Water (______) Carbon dioxide (_____) Salts (________) Ammonia (_______) not the same as what you know from your foods
E. Organic Compounds Compounds that contain both _________________ in the same molecule
1. Carbohydrates a. Examples: i. ________ = ______________________ simple, ___________ carbohydrates examples of monosacchrides = ____________, fructose
ii. _________ = _______________ _________ of monosaccharides ____________ carbohydrates __________, ________, chitin iii. The names of most carbohydrates end in ______
b. Elements: Carbohydrates Always contain _________ Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen CarboHYDRates always have 2Hydrogen :1Oxygen ratio All carbohydrates have this ____________ Examples: C 6 H 12 O 6 C 12 H 22 O 11 C 40 H 88 O 44
c. Subunits: __________________ i. all complex carbohydrates are combinations of simple sugars joined together by _____________________ ii. ____________ ___________ _______________ iii. Glucose is the most common monosaccharide subunit
iv. Dehydration Synthesis of a Carbohydrate
d. Function: - Primary source of ___________________________ - 4 kcal/gram - Carbohydrates provide the bulk of the ________ in most diets
2. Lipids All lipids are _________________ organic molecules a. Examples: i. ______ ii. ______ iii. ______
b. Elements i. always contain ______ ______ ii. Usually ______ number of atoms iii. Unlike carbohydrates there is ______ ______ between hydrogen and oxygen C 12 H 24 O 2 C 54 H 102 O 6
c. Subunits: ______ ______ ______ ______ i. Glycerol ii. Fatty Acid – has ______ (acid group) on the end iii. Joined together by ______ ______ ______
d. Function i. Long term ______ ______ ii. _____ __ and ______ ____ iii. Make up ______ ______
3. Proteins a. Examples: Hair, Nails, _________, ___________, Bones, Cartilage, Muscles, ____________ Specific Proteins: ______ ______, ______, ______, Actin, Myocin, keratin
b. Elements: i. Always Contain ______ ______ ii. N = ______ iii. Sometimes proteins have sulfur and phosphorus
c. Subunits: ______ ______ i. All proteins are made from chains of amino acids. ii. Amino Acids small organic molecules with an ______ ______ and an ______ ______ ______ R – is a _____ group of atoms that changes with each __________
iii. ______ ______ = chains of amino acids iv. Dehydration Synthesis forms a peptide bond between the carbon and nitrogen atoms. Peptide Bond
d. Function i. ______ ______ ______ of cells cell receptor, cell skeleton, centrioles ii. ______ ______ specialized protein molecules that make reactions happen iii. Chemical messengers ______ ______ iv. ______ ______ protect the body from infection ______ ______ is DETERMINED by the ______ ______ of the Protein SHAPE is DETERMINED by the __________ ______ ______ ______
4. Nucleic Acids i. Examples ● ______ – deoxyribonucleic acid ● ______ – ribonucleic acid ● ______ ______, controls protein production ii. Elements ______ ______ ______
iii. Subunit: ______ ______ ______ 3 parts: a. __________ b. __________ (ribose or deoxyribose) c. ________________ (Has nitrogen) DNA – adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine RNA – adenine, uracil, cytosine, guanine
iv. Function - Carry hereditary information - __________ for making proteins - The order of nitrogenous bases (A, T, G, C) determines the order of amino acids - The order of amino acids determines the protein
F. Biochemical Reactions 1. Dehydrations Synthesis chemical combination of two small molecules to make another larger molecule with water being driven off __________ = Make bigger, build up __________ = remove H 2 O Remove 2 H and 1 O from molecules so they can bind together
2. Hydrolysis chemical digestion of a large molecule into smaller, simpler molecules by adding water opposite of dehydration synthesis
G. Enzymes 1. Enzymes are Specialized __________ 2. Generally their names end in –ase Amylase, protease, lipase 3. __________ __________ - __________ __________ without being changed themselves. - Involved in __________ chemical reaction in your body
4. Enzymes Structure a. Enzymes are __________ so the structure is determined by the __________ __________. b. __________ Area on the enzyme that __________ the reaction Active Site has a __________ ________ specific molecules
c. __________ substance the enzyme works on d. Enzyme Substrate Complex __________ formed when the enzyme and substrate __________ e. __________ what is left over after the enzyme does its work ENZYME ENZYME SUBSTRATE COMPLEX ACTIVE SITE SUBSTRATE PRODUCT Products ENZYME
f. __________ __________ i. Enzymes are very specific to the substrate they fit. SHAPE ii. Lock and Key Model Enzyme and substrate __________ __________ Just like one lock has one key that fits it
COENZYME iii. Induced Fit Model More realistic model of enzyme activity Enzyme __________ with the help of a coenzyme to fit substrate Allows enzymes to fit similarly shaped substrate molecules Coenzymes are enzyme helpers
5. Factors that Effect Enzyme Activity a. __________ - Enzymes have an __________ temperature at which they work (__________) - As temperature increases, enzyme activity increases for the most part - If temp is too high, protein becomes __________ (__________ in shape) and no longer works. COOKED!
b. pH = Power of Hydrogen - scale that measures the strengths of _________________ - 1 – = __________ - closer to 1 the stronger the acid 7 = __________ 7 – 14 = ________ – closer to 14 the stronger the base
- Like temperature enzymes work at an __________ - at pH outside the optimal range enzymes can be __________– too high or too low.
c. __________ - The amount of enzyme or substrate can affect the enzyme activity to a point. - As the concentration increases the enzyme activity increases until it “__________”