Guest Speaker ~ JANE MOORE MCGINN, Ph.D. ~ Associate Professor, Department of Information and Library Science Southern Connecticut State University Me? A Librarian? (You’ve Got to be Joking!) Luncheon Saturday, February 19, 2005 The Ferguson Library—South End Branch Stamford, CT 06902
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Guest Speaker, Jane Moore McGinn, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Southern Connecticut State University, Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Michael Havener, Director, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Donna Gilton, Associate Professor, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Carla Simmons (center) and Mistress of Ceremonies S.D. Harris, BCALA-CT President (far right) share moments with Guests
BCALA-CT Assistant Treasurer, Blanche Parker tells why she became a librarian
Two young perspective young librarians chat with a librarian
Mary Mann, Norwalk Public Library Board Member (left) and BCALA- CT-er Astoria Howard Ridley
Guest enjoy video “Me? A Librarian?!!” produced by the Ohio Library Council
BCALA-CT Vice President stands after President S.D. Harris puts her on the spot
BCALA-CT Treasurer Leslie Williams (left) and chapter historian Josephine Fulcher-Anderson enjoy the program
Dr. Jane Moore McGinn Shares a moment with Maxine Richardson
Law Librarian Mary McPherson shares information with Maxine Richardson
Michael Havener shares a moment with BCALA-CT-er Margo Best Nabors, School Media Specialist with Sacred Heart Academy (Hamden, CT)
Left to Right: Shelia Best (mom of BCALA-CT-er Margo Best Nabors), Shelia Jones perspective librarian from the Ferguson Library system, and Blanche Parker
THE END Our thanks to everyone who attended and participated ~BCALA Connecticut Chapter