Slide Apr-07DOD Trust Account Financial Management Department of Defense Trust Account Financial Management HMW111 [10:11 PM]: Here is what you and Irv can do for me for next week. Please summarize the planned software acquisition and put it in the form of a Point Paper so I can have the facts all ready and make the case for releasing the funds. Please provide the details of the deal, the amount of money, the positive resouts for DoD, et al. That will provide me with the basis to see if I can get FY 07 funds released for your client next week Subtotal $ 3,000, $ 1,540, Difference PeopleSoft Excess Cost Over GLOWS $ 1,460, Software Rel 8.2 Upgrade PeopleS oft $ 800, GLOWS $ - Subt otal $ 3,800, $ 1,540, Difference PeopleSoft Excess Cost Over GLOWS $ 2,260,000.00
Slide Apr-07DOD Trust Account Financial Management Department of Defense Trust Account Financial Management Overview Background Trust Fund Requirements Orion Financial Management System Projected Cost Comparative Vendor Costs Small Business Acquisition Results and Added Value Department of Defense Trust Account Financial Management
Slide Apr-07DOD Trust Account Financial Management Department of Defense Trust Account Financial Management Background
Slide Apr-07DOD Trust Account Financial Management Department of Defense Trust Account Financial Management Trust Fund Requirements
Slide Apr-07DOD Trust Account Financial Management Department of Defense Trust Account Financial Management Orion Financial Management System
Slide Apr-07DOD Trust Account Financial Management Department of Defense Trust Account Financial Management Projected Cost
Slide Apr-07DOD Trust Account Financial Management Department of Defense Trust Account Financial Management Comparative Vendor Costs System
Slide Apr-07DOD Trust Account Financial Management Department of Defense Trust Account Financial Management Small Business
Slide Apr-07DOD Trust Account Financial Management Department of Defense Trust Account Financial Management Acquisition Results and Added Value System