2009 Winter Wrap-up Jongchurl Park Networked Media Laboratory Dept. of Information and Communications School of Information & Mechatronics Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST)
School OF I NFO. & Mecha., G IST MS 5th semester Research areas Embedded system of uncompressed HD media transport (chap. 3) Multiple streams Support of window-based uncompressed HD transport (chap. 4) Projects GSCT (TBD): High-speed networking performance RBRC (01/01/2008~12/31/2011): 실감형 디지털 방송연구 기술 KISTI (02/25/2009~10/15/2009): 3D Video Sharing Tools and its Application for Multi-party Collaborative Visualization Environments Publications 2 domestic papers (KCC2007, JCCI2008) 1 international paper (IWAIT2009)
School OF I NFO. & Mecha., G IST Uncompressed HD video (raw frame): Highly interactive (i.e., low-delay) video services Multiple video interfaces (HDMI) support in single machine Seamless composition of multiple free viewpoint video over broadband convergence networks Frame rate control support transport Performance analysis of 3D graphics video transport to high resolution display device (networked tiled display)
School OF I NFO. & Mecha., G IST ActivityStatus Windows-based uncompressed HD video transmission Ongoing Configure HD-SDI interfaces for multiple streams transport (imCast to imCast) Complete Interfacing test for multiple streams transport (imCast to tiled display) Complete Understanding OpenSceneGraph and VRJugglerOngoing Installation of OpenSceneGraph for 3D graphics video support Ongoing KISTI project proposal submissionComplete Writing Thesis draftOngoing
School OF I NFO. & Mecha., G IST Activity MarchAprilMayJuneJuly Windows-based uncompressed HD video transmission (SVT to imCast) 3D graphics video support by using OpenSceneGraph and performance improvement Optimizing interfacing program for performance reducing of multiple streams transport (imCast to tiled display) Put VRJuggler for distributed 3D rendering in tiled display Writing international paper (TBD) Writing Thesis draft Thesis revision