Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 1 2 nd DoQuP Training Seminar University of Alicante, April 2013 Aim of the Seminar Alfredo Squarzoni University of Genoa
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 2 Aim of DoQuP project The aim of DoQuP project is the definition and implementation of an on-line documentation system for the quality assurance (QA) of study programmes (SPs) in partner countries (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan) consistent with the European standards for quality assurance, in order to promote their quality, transparency and comparability at national and international level.
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 3 Main outputs and outcomes of the project Definition of the standards for QA of SPs in PCs; Identification of information and data for QA of SPs in PCs; Definition of the methodologies and procedures of documentation of the identified information and data;
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 4 Definition of the responsibilities and facilities for documentation of the identified information and data; Design and production of software for online documentation; Implementation of responsibilities and facilities; Implementation of software for online documentation.
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 5 What has been done The first two results: Definition of the standards, Identification of information and data, have been already achieved according to the established work-plan. The achievement of the third result: Definition of the methodologies and procedures of documentation of the identified information and data, should be completed in the PB meeting to be held in Alicante on 25 April 2013.
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 6 What remains to be done Next step Definition of the responsibilities and facilities for the documentation of the identified I&D for the QA of SPs in PCs. In this activity each partner University of the PCs will have to identify the responsibilities and the facilities for the documentation of the identified information and data according to the established methodologies and procedures of documentation by 15 August Each University will present its organisation (responsibilities and facilities) for the documentation at the workshop to be held in Baku on 24 September 2013.
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 7 The following tables should clarify what is intended for “ responsibilities ”: the persons or bodies in charge of the management of the activities for the QA of a SP (the tables show all the activities we have identified in the DoQuP project).
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 8 Area A - Needs and Objectives Processes Quality Requirements Expected Activities Persons/Bodies in charge of the activities Required Documentation Persons/Bodies in charge of the documentation (only if different from the persons/bodies in charge of the activities) A1 - Identification of the educational needs of the labour market A1 - Educational needs of the labour market Definition of the organisations representative of labour market to be consulted Organisations representative of labour market consulted Definition of the methods and schedule of the consultation Methods and schedule of the consultation Identification of the educational needs of the labour market Identified educational needs of the labour market
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 9 A2 - Definition of the educational objectives A2 - Educational objectives Definition of the educational objectives Educational objectives A3 - Definition of the learning outcomes A3 - Learning outcomes Definition of the learning outcomes Learning outcomes Comparison with the learning outcomes of other study programmes of the same typology Results of the comparison with the learning outcomes of other study programmes of the same typology
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 10 In the table there are two columns with the heading “Persons/bodies in charge …”, because it may happen that, in some cases, the person/body in charge of one activity is not the same person/body in charge of the production of the associated documentation. Of course the table has only the purpose to provide a source of guidance to each University partner of the project in developing its own table, taking into account its organisation and its characteristics.
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 11 B1 - Definition of the admission requirements B1 - Admission requirements Definition of qualifications, requirements and criteria for the admission to the SP Qualifications, requirements and criteria for the admission to the SP Assessment of the mastery of the admission requirements B2 - Design and planning of the educational process Definition of the curriculumCurriculum Definition of the characteristics of the didactic units Characteristics of the didactic units Definition of the characteristics of the graduation exam Characteristics of the graduation exam Documentation of the suitability of the curriculum to the achievement of the expected learning outcomes Suitability of the curriculum to the achievement of the expected learning outcomes Definition of the criteria for students’ studies progression Criteria for students’ studies progression Definition of calendar and timetable of didactic units and exams Calendar and timetable of didactic units and exams Area B - Educational process
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 12 B3 - Realization of the educationa l process Control of the development of the educational process in order to check its correspondence with the designed and planned development Correspondence of the development of the educational process with the designed and planned development Control of the assessment tests in order to check their adequacy to the learning outcomes and the correctness of the evaluation of the students’ learning Adequacy of the assessment tests to the learning outcomes and correctness of the evaluation of the students’ learning
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 13 C1 - Identification and put at disposal of the teaching staff C1 - Teaching staff Identification of the needs of teaching staff Teaching staff Put at disposal of the teaching staff Identification of the needs of teaching support staff Teaching support staff Put at disposal of the teaching support staff C2 - Identification and put at disposal of facilities (in particular: lesson rooms, laboratories, libraries) C2 - Facilities Identification of the needs of classrooms Classrooms Put at disposal of classrooms Identification of the needs of rooms for individual study Rooms for individual study Put at disposal of rooms for individual study Identification of the needs of laboratories Laboratories Put at disposal of laboratories Identification of the needs of librariesLibraries Put at disposal of libraries Area C - Resources
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 14 C3 - Identification and put at disposal of financial resources C3 - Financial resources Identification of the needs of financial resources Needs of financial resources Put at disposal of financial resourcesAvailability of financial resources C4 - Organisation and management of student support (orienteering, tutoring and assistance) services C4 - Student support services Organisation and management of student administrative office Student administrative office Organisation and management of orienteering service for students in entrance Orienteering service for students in entrance Organisation and management of tutoring service Tutoring service Organisation and management of service for the carrying out of training periods outside University Service for the carrying out of training periods outside University Organisation and management of service for the students’ international mobility Service for the students’ international mobility Organisation and management of job placement service Job placement service
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 15 C5 - Establishment of partnerships with national and international businesses, research institutions and other Higher Education Institutions for the development of students’ external education and mobility C5 - Partnerships Definition of the partnerships for the carrying out of training periods outside University Partnerships for the carrying out of training periods outside University Definition of the partnerships for the carrying out of international mobility periods Partnerships for the carrying out of international mobility periods
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 16 D1 - Monitoring of the entrance students D1 – Entrance students Monitoring of the assessment of the mastery of the admission requirements (only for first cycle and integrated programmes) Results of the monitoring of the assessment of the mastery of the admission requirements (only for first cycle and integrated programmes) Monitoring of the enrolments at the first course year Results of the monitoring of the enrolments at the first course year D2 - Monitoring of the students’ learning D2 - Students’ learning Monitoring of the students’ learning Results of the monitoring of the students’ learning Results of further monitoring Area D - Monitoring and Results
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 17 D3 - Monitoring of the students’ studies progression D3 - Students’ studies progression Monitoring of the students’ studies progression Results of the monitoring of the enrolments at the different course years Results of the monitoring of the dropouts Results of the monitoring of the credits acquired by the students who pass from one course year to the successive one Results of the monitoring of the graduation time D4 - Monitoring of the students’ opinion on the educational process D4 - Students’ opinion on the educational process Monitoring of the students’ opinion on the didactic units Monitoring and results of the students’ opinion on the didactic units Monitoring of the students’ opinion on the training periods outside University Monitoring and results of the students’ opinion on the training periods outside University Monitoring of the students’ opinion on the periods of international mobility Monitoring and results of the students’ opinion on the periods of international mobility Monitoring of the opinion of the final year students on the educational process and on the student support services Monitoring and results of the opinion of the final year students on the educational process and on the student support services
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 18 D5 - Monitoring of the graduates’ placement D5 - Graduates’ placement Monitoring of the graduates’ job placement Monitoring and results of the graduates’ job placement Monitoring of the prosecution of the studies in the second cycle programmes (only for first cycle programmes) Monitoring and results of the prosecution of the studies in the second cycle programmes (only for first cycle programmes) Monitoring of the employed graduates’ opinions on the education received and of the employers’ opinion on the graduates’ education Monitoring and results of the employed graduates’ opinions on the education received Monitoring and results of the employers’ opinion on the graduates’ education
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 19 E1 - Definition and adoption of the management system E1 - Managemen t system Definition of the management system and commitment to the development of a quality culture Processes for the SP management and organisational structure Positions of responsibilities Commitment to the development of a quality culture E2 - Revision Management of the revision process Results of the revision process E3 - Publicizing of information on the study programme E3 - Publicity of information Publicizing of information on the study programme Publicity of the documentation for the QA of the SP Area E - Management System for Quality
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 20 As regard the “ facilities ”, this term is referred to all the facilities the availability of which is necessary in order to produce the required documentation. It regards mainly the standard “D – Monitoring and Results”, because it is quite obvious that to produce the required documentation each University should have at disposal an effective and efficient informative system.
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 21 Following steps Design and production of the software for the online documentation of the identified information and data for QA of SPs in PCs. This activity, to be carried out in parallel with the definition of responsibilities and facilities for the documentation under the coordination of CINECA, has already started and will have to be completed by 15 August Also the software for the online documentation will be presented at the workshop to be held in Baku on 24 September 2013.
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 22 After the workshop a Training Seminar on software for the online documentation will be held in Rome from 28 to 30 October The third and last training seminar of our project will be devoted to introduce and train the partner Universities of the PCs to the use of the software for the on line documentation.
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 23 Implementation of responsibilities & facilities. In this activity at least a meaningful number of SPs of the partner Universities shall have to documen their educational objectives, educational process, resources, results and management system according to the identified methodologies and procedures of documentation of the identified information and data.
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 24 Implementation of software for online documentation. In this activity, to be carried out in parallel with the implementation of responsibilities and facilities, the software for online documentation will be made available to each partner University of the PCs.
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 25 Aim of the Seminar The aim of this Training Seminar is to present how the EU partners of the project are organised for the management of the main processes which should characterise an internal quality assurance system (i.e. those identified in the document “DoQuP standards and information&data for the QA of SPs in PCs”).
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 26 In particular the presentations should introduce both how the processes considered in the seminar are managed and the persons/bodies in charge of the management of the processes and of the documentation of the associated activities and results. Furthermore the presentations will introduce the facilities, if any, available for the management of the identified processes and the production of the required documentation.
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 27 The processes considered in the 6 main sessions of the seminar are: Organization for the Quality Assurance of Institutions and Study Programmes Consultation of the Labour Market Design and Planning of the Educational Process Monitoring of the Results of the Study Programmes Management System and Structural Organisation Revision Process
Alicante 24-26/4/2013 Organization for QA 28 Thanks for your attention and Good Work!