CLICK TO EDIT MASTER TITLE STYLE Context Expected Results Main objectives of the Project Specific Project Objectives CONTENTS
HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES : Only 53.4% of Israeli youth in the age of high school graduation have passed their matriculation exams. Approximately 15% receive some sort of professional training. More than 30% of Israeli youth have an inadequate education that does not enable them to acquire a profession in the future. More than 30% of Israeli youth have an inadequate education CLICK TO EDIT MASTER TITLE STYLE
POVERTY RATES, INEQUALITY AND LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY As of 2011, Israel has the highest poverty rate among the OECD countries. Israel is ranked 4 th from the bottom in the index of income inequality - the Gini index. Its labour productivity (GDP per hour worked) is below the OECD average by 23%. Israel lacks midlevel professionals. There are high demands for workers especially in the industrial sector and construction industry. Many who belong to lower income deciles are residents of the south of Israel. CLICK TO EDIT MASTER TITLE STYLE
MAIN OBJECTIVES Formulate a program to promote vocational training in the South of Israel Put emphasis on vocational education for youth and specific attention to gender equality. Will be based on the analysis and the local needs assessment to be performed. Identify and promote a training program to improve sustainable employability of the population in the South of Israel and of youth in this area in particular.
MAIN OBJECTIVES Stabilize and systematize an information feedback mechanism in the areas of consultation Identify the needs of local stakeholders. Promote real dynamics within these spaces. Build the capacity of stakeholders involved in the project.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Conduct an in-depth analysis of vocational training institutions in the south of Israel. Creating a profile of the average student (age, sex, socio-economic background, religion etc.) Which professions have the highest amount of students. Which have the highest demand and quality of Teachers. Enhance and update existing prediction models for required professions in the South of Israel. Develop strategies for which actors from the industry and the business sector will form a key part of the process of vocational training in the south of Israel In forms of apprenticeships, sharing expertise etc.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Conduct a quantitative economic analysis of the South of Israel: Ashkelon, Beer-Sheva and Ashdod area. Sectors of the economy Labor supply and demand Number of employees by industry Value Added to GDP GDP per employee Work integration among vocational training graduates. Organize a systematic information feedback mechanism based on a skills needs analysis model in order to promote greater adequacy of the training / employment. Important step for future research: Offer an economic stimulus package to prevent the departure of vocational training graduates from the South of Israel.
I.The pilot project is set up – the focus areas of the capacity-building program are selected, and project needs are identified. II.Comprehensive information regarding the discrepancy between the demand and supply of professions in the South of Israel is provided. III.The existing vocational education system in the South of Israel is mapped and their suitability to meet the demand is determined. IV.Tools for operation and their budgetary costs required to execute the desired results are offered and several educational institutions are indicated for editing extensive pilots.
CLICK TO EDIT MASTER TITLE STYLE ActivitiesCoordinator and project partner Calendar CONTENTS
I.The pilot project is set up – the focus areas of the capacity-building program are selected, and project needs are identified. 1.Creation of a steering committee for the project supported by the Local Facilitator – designing and planning an organized division of responsibilities for the representatives of the steering committee. A preparatory meeting for the GEMM project was held at the Amal Network headquarters attended by the Local Facilitator, representatives of Amal and Ort, a representative of the Ministry of Education and school principals from the South of Israel. 2.Gathering information, reviewing literature and taking notes concerning socio-economic data, potential and distinctive skills of the region in general and targeting specific sectors. 3.Identification of the methodology and the tools required for analyzing the needs of the labour market in the region.
ACTIVITIES II.Comprehensive information regarding the discrepancy between the demand and supply of professions in the South of Israel is provided. 1.Collection, processing and analysis of existing data bases. The Central Bureau of Statistics, National Insurance Institute, the Bank of Israel, sector/employers/industrial associations, regional economic development centers and databases of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Education. 2.Evaluation of the information gathered so far and its completion by conducting surveys of employers and employees in the selected sectors in the field. 3.Using existing models to examine and predict the supply versus demand in the labor market in the region, while enhancing the models and updating them where necessary.
ACTIVITIES III.The existing vocational education system in the South of Israel is mapped and their suitability to meet the demand is determined. 1.Identifying all the existing vocational education institutions in the region. 2.Collecting, processing and analyzing existing information regarding popular professions among students and cross- referencing the information in front of the demand in the labour market. 3.Collecting, processing and analyzing existing information regarding the professions where there is a lack of teachers. 4.Evaluation of the information gathered so far and its completion by conducting surveys among school management, teachers and students in the field and defining adequate updated syllabuses for education programs related to the selected economic sectors.
ACTIVITIES IV.Tools for operation and their budgetary costs required to execute the desired results are offered and several educational institutions are indicated for editing extensive pilots. 1.An assessment of needs and the costs of meeting these needs will be performed. The existing government programs, will be analyzed and evaluated using the information gathered so far. 3.Offering tools for operation in order to reach the project objectives: frequently monitoring the demands in the labour market and adapting the training program respectively. 4.Examining the suitability of a number of institutions to carry out a pilot study and recommending several specific institutions.
THE PROJECT WILL BE COORDINATED AND MANAGED BY A LOCAL FACILITATOR IN CLOSE COLLABORATION WITH THE ETF AND WITH ACTIVE PARTICIPATION AND INVOLVEMENT OF: The Vocational Training Division in the Ministry of Economy The Ministry of Education Histadrut The Manufacturers Association of Israel (MAI) Amal & Ort School Managers Capacity building of project partners and direct stakeholders will be incorporated in all main technical activities of the pilot project CLICK TO EDIT MASTER TITLE STYLE
IT WILL ALSO REQUIRE COLLABORATION WITH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS SUCH AS: Municipal Authorities The Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce (FICC) The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Other school managers, teachers and students Local employers and employees in the private sector Capacity building of project partners and direct stakeholders will be incorporated in all main technical activities of the pilot project CLICK TO EDIT MASTER TITLE STYLE
ROLES OF PROJECT PARTNERS: Defining the support area and economic sectors Collecting the information and its diffusion Providing insights on relevant topics and sharing their experience and expertise and the final configuration of the Pilot Project. Support the project in establishing links with the businesses and vocational education institutions and understanding the needs of the labour market Capacity building of project partners and direct stakeholders will be incorporated in all main technical activities of the pilot project CLICK TO EDIT MASTER TITLE STYLE
Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 The pilot project is set up – the focus areas of the capacity-building program are selected and project needs are identified. 1. Creation of a steering committee for the project 2. Gathering information, reviewing literature and taking notes concerning socio- economic data, potential and distinctive skills of the region in general and targeting specific sectors. 3. Identification of the methodology and the tools required for analyzing the needs of the labour market in the region. Comprehensive information regarding the discrepancy between the demand and supply of professions in the South of Israel is provided. 1. Collection, processing and analysis of existing data bases. 2. Examine and predict the supply versus demand in the labor market in the region. 3. Evaluation of the information gathered and its completion by conducting surveys with employers and employees in the selected sectors in the field.
CALENDAR Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 The existing vocational education system in the South of Israel is mapped and their suitability to meet the demand is determined. 1. Identifying all the existing vocational education institutions in the region 2. Collecting, processing and analyzing existing information regarding popular professions among students and cross-referencing the information in front of the supply in the labour market. 3. Collecting, processing and analyzing existing information regarding the professions where there is a lack of teachers. 4. Evaluation of the information gathered so far and its completion by conducting surveys among school management, teachers and students in the field Tools for operation and their budgetary costs are offered and several educational institutions are indicated for editing extensive pilots. 1. An assessment of needs and the costs of meeting these needs. 2. Offering tools for operation in order to reach the objectives of the project. 3. Examining the suitability of a number of institutions to carry out a pilot study and recommending several specific institutions.