How to spend the summer in a research lab AND Join a world-class research team Have your own research project Increase your opportunities for an advanced degree Live in another city—all expenses paid Make new friends Connect your classroom learning to ‘real-world’ experiences Avoid another summer at Blockbusters
Steps to get a summer research internship 1.Search for research opportunities in areas of interest 2.Identify ~10 positions for which you qualify 3.Review the instructions carefully 4.Review the instructions AGAIN 5.Create and review your personal statement 6.Ask faculty for recommendations (others if the application permits) 7.Complete full applications as early as possible
Starting points NSF-REUNSF-REU programs ( ) NIH NIH summer programs ( ) RITRIT-listed opportunities ( Sample of University offered internships: YaleYale ( Harvard Harvard ( Virginia Virginia ( Specific training: Summer Medical and Dental Education Program, Association of Medical and Dental Education Program, 2450 N Street, NW, Washington DC ( )
Local programs Summer Undergraduate Research Program, Jefferson College of Graduate Studies Thomas Jefferson University, 1020 Locust St. Room M-60, Phila, PA University of Pennsylvania, John B. Craig, EdM Associate Director. Center of Excellency for Diversity in Health Education and Research, 3508 Market Street, suite 234, Philadelphia, PA Monell Chemical Senses Research opportunities: April 15th deadline
Graduate work IGERT IGERT by NSF:
Jackie Tanaka: Identifying and applying for summer internships Ed Marshall: Applicant selection Julie Blendy: What to expect in a summer internship