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T HE E NGLISH R ENAISSANCE The Renaissance– the rebirth
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND During the Renaissance, the medieval world view, focused on religion and the afterlife, was replaced by a more modern view, stressing human life here on earth.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND During the Renaissance, the medieval world view, focused on religion and the afterlife, was replaced by a more modern view, stressing human life here on earth. Renaissance Europeans delighted in the arts and literature, in the beauty of nature, in human impulses, and in a new sense of mastery over the world.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND A new emphasis was placed on the individual and on the development of human potential.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND A new emphasis was placed on the individual and on the development of human potential. The idea “Renaissance man” was a many-faceted person who cultivated his innate talents to the fullest.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND A new emphasis was placed on the individual and on the development of human potential. The idea “Renaissance man” was a many-faceted person who cultivated his innate talents to the fullest. He is interested in the arts and sciences; he has a very broad knowledge base.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND In England, political instability delayed the advent of Renaissance ideas, but they began to enter the society after 1485.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND In England, political instability delayed the advent of Renaissance ideas, but they began to enter the society after This occurred when the Wars of the Roses ended and Henry Tudor took the throne.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND Henry exercised strong authority at home and negotiated favorable commercial treaties abroad.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND Henry exercised strong authority at home and negotiated favorable commercial treaties abroad. He built up the nation’s merchant fleet and financed expeditions that established English claims in the New World.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND He formed a political alliance by arranging a for his eldest son, Arthur, to marry Catherine of Aragon, Spanish royalty.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND He formed a political alliance by arranging a for his eldest son, Arthur, to marry Catherine of Aragon, Spanish royalty. Fun Fact! When Arthur died unexpectedly, the pope granted a special dispensation allowing Arthur’s younger brother Henry, the new heir to the throne, to marry Catherine.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII Henry VIII succeeded his father in 1509.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII Henry VIII succeeded his father in He was a true Renaissance prince. He was a skilled athlete, poet, musician, and was well educated in French, Italian, and Latin.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII The Protestant Reformation began sweeping northern Europe. Began as a result of trying to reform the Catholic Church. These people believed the clergy was misusing their power.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII The Protestant Reformation began sweeping northern Europe. Began as a result of trying to reform the Catholic Church. These people believed the clergy was misusing their power. While many in England sympathized with Protestant reforms, Henry at first remained loyal to Rome.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII After 18 years of marriage, Henry VIII only had one wife with Mary. (He wanted a male heir.)
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII After 18 years of marriage, Henry VIII only had one wife with Mary. (He wanted a male heir.) He wanted an annulment, so he asked Rome to grant him papal dispensation.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII After 18 years of marriage, Henry VIII only had one wife with Mary. (He wanted a male heir.) He wanted an annulment, so he asked Rome to grant him papal dispensation. When the pope grants you an exemption from matrimonial canon law.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII He wanted to marry Anne Boleyn. When the pope refused to agree, Henry broke from Rome and in 1534 declared himself head of the Church of England. AKA The Anglican Church
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII Many agreed with his religion; however, if someone did not, it was off with their head!
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII Ironically, Anne Boleyn only produced one daughter, Elizabeth.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII Ironically, Anne Boleyn only produced one daughter, Elizabeth. Later she was executed on a charge of adultery.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII Ironically, Anne Boleyn only produced one daughter, Elizabeth. Later she was executed on a charge of adultery. He got married a THIRD time, and he received his long-sought son.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII His son was Edward VI, who at the age of nine, succeeded his father.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII His son was Edward VI, who at the age of nine, succeeded his father. During his six-year reign, the Church of England became truly Protestant.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII His son was Edward VI, who at the age of nine, succeeded his father. During his six-year reign, the Church of England became truly Protestant. When Edward died, his half-sister Mary took the throne.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII Mary tried to reintroduce Roman Catholicism.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII Mary tried to reintroduce Roman Catholicism. The movement was unpopular, as was her marriage to her…
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII Mary tried to reintroduce Roman Catholicism. The movement was unpopular, as was her marriage to her… COUSIN from Spain!
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII Mary tried to reintroduce Roman Catholicism. The movement was unpopular, as was her marriage to her… COUSIN from Spain! She persecuted many Protestants and earned the name BLOODY MARY.
H ISTORICAL B ACKGROUND : T HE R EIGN OF H ENRY VIII When Mary died, Elizabeth became queen!
H OMEWORK Bring literature book and study guide to class tomorrow. We will begin The Elizabethan Era!