Background to The Aeneid
Earliest History Italy originally dominated by: – Etruscans to the north – Greek cities to the south – Ancient Latium=modern day Rome
Rise of Rome Hard-workers Unified into towns to defend against Etruscans and Greeks Rome founded in 7th century B.C. Rise to power fueled by invasion
Punic Wars 1 st Punic War: – Lasted for 20 years – Flowering of literature and the arts – For control of Sicily versus Carthagians 2 nd Punic War: – Against Carthage, led by Hannibal – Defense against southern ports – Turning point in Roman policy; use of brutal repression; natives repressed and pillaged 3 rd Punic War: – Against Carthage – Aggressive war for economic dominance of wine/oil industry
Civil Wars 2 nd century B.C.-Majority plantation owners – Issues between conservative plantations owners and liberal senatorial aristocrats who thought state was harmed by loss of small farms Gracchus brothers attempted to reform by – Passing grain law – Allowing more people to vote – Improving army Julius Caesar elected in 46 B.C. – Rule only lasted two years b/c of assassination by Brutus and Cassius Mark Antony defeats Brutus/Cassius riegn – Relies on Caesar’s grandnephew Octavius – Mark Antony and Octavius share power until they begin to fight in 32 B.C. Octavius – Defeats Antony in 30 B.C. – Honorific title “imperator” = “commander in chief” – Begins using name Augustus
The Birth of an Empire Augusts’ reign=flowering of literature and architecture=“Golden Era” – Patron of poets/artists that could reiterate his idea of an “ideal state” – Ruled for 30 years; rocky leadership for 30 years after
Roman Religion Religion played central role in organization of Rome Leaders of religious ceremonies=King of Sacred Rights Religion shows major differences from the Greeks – Obsessed with correct ritual – Fate=a command of decree obeyed; versus Greeks idea of “shared” fate Polytheistic-gods show concern with idea of home, cattle, agriculture, family (with focus on male leadership) – Not hard then to see Roman idea of being “sons” subservient to a patriarchal emperor. – Worshipped sprirts of dead ancestors=“manes” and “lanes”=spirits who watch over fields and paths
Greek Influences Adopted Greek Divinities (see handout) Make sure you know these/they are out for your reference at all times!!!!
Roman Literature Read/conducted foreign policy in Greek until defeat of Carthage in 241 B.C. – Then decided they needed literature of their own Invented history that associated themselves with Troy Sought to find in great men’s lives the causes of major events Horace and Virgil were sponsored by the government (Augustus!) to promote the “glory of the state” – ***Think about the implications of this!!!!**** Romans were masterful imitators/adapters rather than original thinkers
Virgil Born onto family farm-created a shy man who was sensitive to nature/aware of beauty and wisdom of natural world Felt political effects: – Caesar -motivated him to travel for studies – Mark Antony-confiscated family farm; retreated to Naples to study Greek philosophy of Epicureanism – Octavius gives Virgil land back after recognizing poetic genius (could there be ulterior motives here?)
The Aeneid The Aeneids purpose was to provide a national epic that was specifically Roman – Why? Think about the purposes of storytelling Explain Rome’s founding Legitimize Augustus’ rule (divined) Virgil spent 11 years working on it-wanted it burned before he died because it wasn’t “good enough” to be published; Augustus overturned this wish in Virgil’s will Inspiration: – First half=Homer’s The Odyssey – Second half=Homer’s The Illiad “Arms and the man I sing” shows us a distinct focus on conflict one feels between the hero’s duty (to state) versus his own personal desires – Could Virgil have felt this? Have characteristics of Epic Poem: – Start in medias res – Hero is of national significance – Begins by appealing to the Muse