1 For free downloads of: Notes Audio Files Slides After 1 st April
2 Personal Development Lifestyle Possessions Health Relationships Career Financial Hobbies
3 Personal Development Lifestyle Possessions Health Relationships Career Financial Hobbies
4 Personal Development Lifestyle Possessions Health Relationships Career Financial Hobbies
5 Personal Development Lifestyle Possessions Relationships Career Financial Hobbies Health Activity Objective Action
6 Specific Measurable Agreed Realistic Time Phased Exciting Recorded
7 ImportantNot Important Urgent Not Urgent AC BD
8 If I Do ItIf I Dont Do It Important Achieves personal or business goals Improves quality of life (The wheel spokes) Improves my standing with others Causes long term problems (Job or health/life) Damages my standing with others (particularly relationships) Not Important Time is better invested Doesnt add to my quality of life Doesnt help achieve goals Nothing would happen No one would care Wouldnt be missed.
9 Procrastination Cures Balance Sheet Salami Technique 5 Minute Plan Leading Task (Best First) Worst First Going Public
12 Developing Time Management Conscious Incompetence Conscious Competence Unconscious Competence Unconscious Incompetence
16 ItemTotalPosition ItemTotalPosition ItemTotalPosition
17 ItemTotalPosition ItemTotalPosition
18 Existing Sales Where weareWhere we want tobe How were going to getthere Start What are we really good at? Whatcanwe sell to our clients now? What products does that lead us to now? Internal External What are our industries like? Customer needs Competitors Market forces What is changing in our industry ? Where is the industry going ? What will our customers needs be in five years time? Will new industries want our skills? How must we change to meet the new needs? What does the SIM group want to be What is the company focus and strategy Define Change programme for : Internal Culture Organisational structure Organisational development Processes and procedures Reporting and monitoring Define programme for : Sales Strategy Client Education Corporate Image Return to Start Where weareWhere we want tobe How were going to getthere Start What are we really good at? Whatcanwe sell to our clients now? What products does that lead us to now? Internal External What are our industries like? Customer needs Competitors Market forces STEP What is changing in our industry ? Where is the industry going ? What will our customers needs be in five years time? Will new industries want our skills? How must we change to meet the new needs? What does the SIM group want to be What is the company focus and strategy Define Change programme for : Internal Culture Organisational structure Organisational development Processes and procedures Reporting and monitoring Define programme for : Sales Strategy Client Education Corporate Image Return to Start Existing Sales CAP