Funding is provided by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research under the US Department of Education, Grant # H133E University of Colorado at Denver & Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation D2. Development of HealthQuest Principal Investigator: Daniel K. Davies, MA – AbleLink Technologies, Colorado Springs, CO Project Partner: Michael Wehmeyer, PhD - University of Kansas Beach Center on Disability - University Center on Developmental Disabilities Specific Aim: To develop an Internet-based system that will enable individuals with intellectual disabilities to become active participants in their own health care by enabling them to 1) independently assess their own personal health condition and 2) access health care information and step-by-step instructions for both preventative and responsive health care needs. Research & Development Activities: Review health screening tools for content development Review health needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities for content Screening of content by medical professionals with expertise in ID Developing “occasionally connected” application model: - Always available, even when Internet connectivity is interrupted - Data synchronization with caregiver website upon connection Development of independently usable application interfaces for assessment and remedial instruction Design and implementation of multimedia to present independently usable self-directed health screening tool Conduct field evaluation of Health Quest prototype systems Software redevelopment to incorporate field evaluation findings Integration of NutraNet nutrition support software Step-by-step instructions for remedial health tasks HealthQuest “reads” questions and answers to users to provide access to low and non readers Recent Accomplishments: Development of software utility to enable user-defined assessment content development Development of remote two way information exchange Planning for HealthQuest integration into the Westchester Institute on Human Development’s Center on Disability Health and Technology programs ResourcesActivities Short/Intermediate Range Outcomes Long Range Outcomes Utility Review, Evaluation & Feedback Focus Groups, Consumer Testing, Beta Testing, Peer Review, Partners, National Advisory Council, Consumer Advisory Council, & NIDDR Reviews Outputs Presentations Reports/White Papers Fast Facts Peer Review Articles ATIA/RESNA Conferences (each year) State of Science Conf Accessible Web Site Direct TA Electronic Project/Data Management Tool Thesis/Dissertations Training Materials Textbooks Technology Forum Coleman Institute Prize Assistive Technology Devices Contribute to improved Quality of Life through improved functioning and independence within the community and workplace for persons with significant cognitive disabilities Basic Science Advances Increased Research & Development Capacity/ Efficacy Cost Effective Service Delivery Increased Functionality and Adoption of AT Devices Infusion of Best Practice Models Decreased Time To Market for Devices Enhanced Quality / Availability of Information Leveraging Resources to Underserved Areas Standards Adoption Increased awareness New Technologies Policy Changes Improved Rehabilitation Practice Research Development Education/Training Dissemination Utilization Consumers Families Advocates AT Manufactures Literature Reviews Marketplace Activity Content Experts Grant Requirements NIDDR Review Participant Priorities Faculty & Staff Expertise UCHSC Support Physical Plant Grant Funding Leveraged Resources Partnerships