Advising & Registration PD #8
Reminders 1.Variable assignments for data presentation were posted 2.Go back and figure out if your study strategies are working when you get your exams back in any class 3.If you got an academic alert….seek out help 4.Slow down and READ Consult course schedules often Read assignments/exam questions carefully Double check that you have answered all parts 5.Start Resume & Cover Letter Assignment-Drafts due 11/8 Watch online resume workshop Draft your resume, cover letter find internship in UMBCworks Final versions due 11/22
Why should you care about and engage in today’s class? Negative Peer Story/Examples Positive Peer Story/Examples
Registration vs. Academic Advising MECHANICS of signing up for courses Takes place one time a semester About picking classes, times, instructors Can do this without ever talking about career or life goals Focused on meeting graduations requirements Intentional, INTERACTIVE, ongoing conversation Takes place continuously About your goals and how the major (and courses) fit into your long term plans Focused on the specifics of the options within the major (and courses) Focused on becoming a computing/IT graduate headed to employment or graduate school
Which will you choose? PASSIVE Blame poor experience/advice of staff/faculty Never read materials about gateways, courses, major- remain uninformed! Put off exploring major and career paths until junior/senior year Great grades and no experience or “soft skills” ACTIVE Take responsibility for learning about mechanics Seek out academic advice from faculty about your major READ materials on department websites Actively explore career paths using Career Services and departmental events Technical + soft skills developed through student organizations, research & internships
Mechanics of Registering 1.Understand your major requirements-ESPECIALLY GATEWAYS 2.Know when you can register-you should have gotten an . Register as soon as you can! 3.Look at Schedule and choose specific sections-PUT these in your shopping cart. Have multiple options figured out. 4.Get Cleared NOW IS majors sign up outside advisors doors on 4 th floor of ITE CS, CMPE majors sign up for group advising session with College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT ) Advising and Student Services on 2 nd floor of ITE
Ask questions about the registration process Peers and Teaching Fellows for this class CWIT Pick your Classes Extravaganza: Monday 10/28, PM, UC 312 Upperclass students/ your RA IS COMM members COEIT Advising ( 2 nd Floor) & IS Departmental Office (ITE 404)
Seek academic/career advice Faculty who teach classes in your major Office hours not before or after class Throughout the semester-not at peak registration time At Career Services networking events Ask professionals that you meet about their academic and career path Listen to panelists stories Go to Corporate Visibility Events (Wednesday’s) Ask speakers at student organization events Ask parents, family, parent’s friends, supervisors about career paths READ/go online
Career Services Resources “A Student’s To-Do List” FOCUS VAULT Major Sheets Career Path Association information Chapter 10 of Strengths Finder text in your StrengthsQuest online account
Advising Time with Peers 1.4-yr plan sheets/info on departmental websites 2.Advice about choosing faculty What is their teaching style and what is your learning style? Can you trust “Rate My Professor?” 3.Set up a schedule that works for you What didn’t work with this semester’s overall schedule? Are you a morning person? Was there balance? 4.Certificates & Combined BS/MS options 5.BE IN THE DRIVER’s SEAT-BE ACTIVE and INFORMED!