Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing Teacher Evaluation Patrick Burk, Ph.D. Graduate School of Education Educational Leadership and Policy January 27, 2011
Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing Basic Question How do we provide the best prepared and most effective teachers possible in all of our classrooms?
Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing Drivers of Teacher Quality Recruitment of candidates Undergraduate preparation/content knowledge Entry criteria into the Graduate School of Education Quality of teacher preparation program Internship/student teaching Initial assignment and mentoring support Ongoing professional development Regular evaluation
Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing Evaluation Purpose Improve Instruction: Provide feedback to the teacher on quality of instruction Identify areas needing improvement Document areas of strength and weakness Take steps toward requiring evidence of improvement or removing the teacher
Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing Frequency Annually during probationary period of two years Every two years thereafter As needed Type Formal: Contractual, official personnel record Informal: Unscheduled classroom visitations, observations
Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing Procedure Goal setting conference Schedule one or more formal observation visits Post observation conference What was observed: Strengths and weaknesses Identification of areas for improvement Written summary of the observation and goal attainment Exemplary, satisfactory or needs improvement Signed by both teacher and principal Placed in the permanent employee record In many states, this evaluation can be challenged if the teacher disagrees with the report
Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing Criteria for Evaluation Input Preparation Rigor of content Method of delivery appropriate to material and students Classroom/lesson management plans Assessment of learning Attention to range of student needs Pacing and balance of activities Classroom environment
Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing Student performance and demonstration Level of engagement of students Behavior appropriate to the lesson Level of demonstrated mastery of content Evidence of higher order thinking and application Output Criteria for Evaluation
Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing Post-Observation Conference with teacher to review the lesson and discuss observations Document the strengths of the teacher Identify areas needing improvement Identify next steps and areas for growth Professional development plans Areas the teacher identifies for new growth Sign a written report of the evaluation
Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing Improvement Is Needed Plan of Correction A specific plan that identifies areas that are in need of improvement Identify specific steps the teacher must take to improve Identifies types of support and assistance that will be available Timeline for reevaluation On notice that dismissal is possible
Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing What if the Teacher Disagrees? Grievance Procedure An important part of the teachers’ employment contract Teacher notifies the supervisor that there is a disagreement A follow-up conference is held Teacher presents evidence Was the contract followed appropriately? May have representation from union Principal decides to change or sustain the evaluation or conduct additional observations Can be challenged beyond the principal in a grievance hearing
Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing Emerging Issues in Evaluation What are the criteria for judging teacher effectiveness? Student performance on assessments? Who is best suited to evaluate? Instructional improvement is continuous Professional Learning Communities Peer coaching and observation “Walk Through” “Teaching Rounds” Periodic documentation Professional teaching standards and scoring criteria for teacher evaluation
Graduate School of Education Leading, Learning, Life Changing Thank You Questions?