Rosegarden Branch Library San Jose, CA Miory Kanashiro Lighting/Electrical Option Primary Consultant: Professor Mistrick
Function A place where people: children, teens, adults, no matter what their economic status, race, age, or religion can come and feel comfortable in an environment where they can feel free to research, read, type, study, etc.
Spaces to re-design Children’s Storytelling Area Children’s Circulation Children’s computer room Exterior facade
Symbol The SUN: Radiates heat Provides warmth Gives life Is very similar to colors of library Looks like the sunset Children and Adults should all WANT to go to the Library and read a book. Stimulates their imagination Creates a warm and cozy feeling where people will forget about their problems and focus on reading.
Exterior Façade: Design Goals Attract adults and children to the library. Inviting, making children want to come back. Represent knowledge=power Make the library shine at night Highlight interesting points of architecture, and surrounding landscape Try to avoid light pollution
Exterior Façade LED strip lights behind window panels on west side create illuminating effect from inside in descending intensity color pattern By lighting lobby’s walls and staircase using Color shifting controls Wall washers Down lights Cleveland Hopkins International Airport Morimoto’s Restaurant
Wall-washers using metal halide lamps to graze surface of protruding areas on north and west walls. Up lights and down lights
Proposed Sketch Up-lighting for trees LED lit Rosegarden Library Sign Windows lit with colors that go lighter as the height decreases by lighting the lobby inside Up-light wall-washers
Light up the front entrance sign with LED’s from behind so that it creates a glow from behind the letters. Creating a lunar eclipse effect “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” Edith Wharton Radiates light
Surrounding Landscape Uplights Heat resistant Waterproof Metal halide
Interior Circulation Area Storytelling Area
Interior Spaces Focus on : Children’s psychology Fun atmosphere READING IS FUN!
Adjectives Playful Wonderland Fantasy Surrealist Unreal Storybook Fairy-tale Dreamy
Verbs Read Wonder Dream Imagine Create Write Learn Analyze Inquire
Metaphor Fantasy land: represents a child’s dreams, everything can come true. Imagination is all you need. Magical atmosphere. Fairy-tale environment Inviting, making children want to come back.
Interior Spaces: Symbol North Star Guides Provides direction Bright Powerful Important in history Symbol of astronomy/science/truth/history/freedom Symbol of stories/beliefs/legends Very sparkly : will create awe in children Wish upon a star
Design Approach for interior With this quote in mind: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt, American First Lady Create an environment filled with MAGIC and FAIRY-TALE stories. Children and Adults should all WANT to the Library and read a book. Stimulates imagination Creates warm, cozy feeling People will forget about problems and focus on reading.
Children’s Computer Area: Design Goals Have an even distribution of light Provide adequate lighting for different tasks to be performed such as: typing, reading, writing. Avoid glare Provide good rendering on faces and objects Lighting adequate for VDT screens
Children’s Computer Area: Indirect lighting light fixtures. Wall wash with slight blue tint Minimizes glare on VDT screens Part of space has
Children’s Circulation Provide even distribution of light Use light fixtures with a clean look Indirect/direct lighting on top of shelves Lighting that does not produce shadows in isles Lighting for shelves should be adequate for reading books and documents
Children’s Circulation Provide hidden T5 lamps on perimeter of circular holes on drop ceiling. Glow ing feeling from circular holes. Unique pendants hanging down from right side over hallway.
Try to imitate nature ’s colors. North star
Proposed Look Indirect/direct linear pendants with T5 fluorescent lamps Dropped Ceiling Changing colors LED lighting coming from below dropped ceiling
Children’s Storytelling Area Design Goals Illusion: kids are reading under starlit sky uniform distribution of light Avoid glare Good rendering of faces and objects Environment filled with MAGIC and FAIRY-TALE stories.
Illusion of galaxy “The Navigator's Star."
Children’s Storytelling Area Use small blue/white LED lights or fiber optics in order to achieve goal Make circular ceiling protrusions change color with LED system as used in Detroit Airport. Resembling nature’s sunset. Pendants hanging in round shapes.
Proposed Look Unique pendants hanging down from right side over hallway.
MK productions Inc. Thank you for your time. Special thanks to Professors Mistrick & Moeck Lutron Lighting Designers Present If you can dream it, you can do it. --Walt Disney