Barry M. Goldwater Range


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Presentation transcript:

Barry M. Goldwater Range Enhanced Use Lease Site Visit BMGR-E Compatibility Brief 56 RMO I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e

Purpose Provide information to industry on BMGR user scope, potential energy source compatibility, and operational implications in support of HQ USAF enhanced use lease program Mission of parent wing and range Range/land location User scope Type of operations supported Scope of daily operations Case study areas of interest / operational implications Proposed Site Close Up

Our Mission 56th Fighter Wing Mission 56 RMO “Train the World’s Greatest F-16 Pilots and Maintainers, While Deploying Mission Ready Warfighters” 56 RMO Provide superior range operations which enhance the training and testing of assets that protect American interests Responsible for 56 FW airspace and the Barry M. Goldwater Range East (BMGR-E) to include Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Field (GBAFAF) Provide a positive balance between the munitions employment areas and the environment surrounding them Protect the natural & cultural resources entrusted to our care Balance requirements with responsibilities to the public, tribes, and the environment

BMGR-E USAF Managed Land National Wildlife Refuge BMGR Location Border of Arizona and Mexico BMGR land jointly managed by Marine Corps, MCAS Yuma (BMGR-W) and USAF, Luke AFB (BMGR-E) Gila Bend AFAF BMGR-E USAF Managed Land (1.05 M Acres) Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge Tohono O’Odham Reservation

BMGR Complex User Scope Irreplaceable National Training Asset Regular Users – 23 Flying Squadrons 56 FW (Luke) 8 x F-16 Sq 162 FW (Tucson) 4 x F-16 Sq Snowbirds Guard / FMS 355 WG (DM) 3 x A-10 Sq 563 RQG (CSAR) MC-130 / HH-60 / SERE 305 RQS (AFRC) HH-60 WAATS (Silverbell) 2 x AH-64 Co Peace Vanguard FMS AH-64 1 – 285th BN AH-64 Co 2 – 285th BN HH-60 Exercises WTI, JAGCE, Angel Thunder, Crimson Eagle, 12 AF OTHER USERS: JTACs, Navy, USMC, Army, other USAF, FMS

Strategic Importance Luke: Only Active USAF F-16 Training Unit 450+ Students per year (3 yr avg) The significance of the BMGR is that it has contributed immeasurably to the military preparedness of the US for decades. - In the Persian Gulf War…. (click) and more recently in the war with Yugoslavia…….. Davis Monthan: Only A-10 Training Unit 150 Students per year (3 yr avg) Tucson: Largest ANG F-16 Training Unit 180 Students per year (3 yr avg) 3 3

Training—Test Support / Use Primary mission of the range: Air-to-Air & Air-to-Ground Employment Inert and live weapons employment Precision guided—Non eye safe laser ops Altitudes: Surface to 50K MSL

BMGR-E Operating Areas Multiple sub-ranges in use simultaneously supporting multiple missions LZ DZ DZ DZ Gila Bend AFAF Range 3 LZ Range 4 North Tactical R-2305 Range 2 East Tactical R-2304 Range 1 Air-to-Air South Tactical R-2301E SELLS Military Operating Area DZ: Drop Zone LZ: Landing Zone

GBAFAF and Vicinity Gila Bend AFAF is not your typical “aux field” Base for airfield and downrange operations and maintenance (contract)\ Primary use: Pattern Practice / Diverts Pays for itself every week as an emergency field but also has training significance Pattern operations, random SFO exposure invaluable USAFA jump ops A-10 turns for missions into YPG, Chocolates Helo staging to include coalition forces Wildland fire response (air attack) base CSAR infil/exfil training USMC Weapons Tactics Instructor Course employment Night operations Run lights on/off operations in support of aircraft ops Jump operations occur on the airfield and within the Class D airspace ~ 4NM southwest Assault landing operations at Aux-6 located 5NM west of the field

BMGR-E—EUL Compatibility Compatible sources of energy on the BMGR-E based on competing military operations: WIND - Windmill farms incompatible with low level flying operations - Potential for electro magnetic interference WATER (hydroelectric) - Extremely limited natural resource in the desert southwest SOLAR - Most viable source of alternative energy - Can be configured to be compatible with military operations Note. photovoltaic deemed compatible with military operations… towered heat/wind generating structures non-compatible

BMGR-E Renewable Energy Case Study BMGR-E and GBAFAF assessment Air Force Real Property Agency sponsored study concluded in June 07 Conclusion: Large scale solar plant feasible based on natural resource (solar) and availability of under utilized/developed tracks of land

Mil Operations—EUL Compatibility Case Study Area of Interest Gila Bend AFAF Limited area for consideration based on current target and maneuver areas

Mil Operations vs Areas of Interest Preferred Siting Option Aux-6 C-130 patterns ~~~ GBAFAF F-16 traffic 3 Potential Sites Identified in Assessment Designated Drop Zones for personnel and equipment Gila Bend AFAF Compatible? Yes but with sighting and design de-confliction required

Property line ~ approximate Proposed EUL site: ~ 2700 acres Proposed Site Close Up Property line ~ approximate Aux-6 LZ/DZ White Hills DZ Proposed EUL site: ~ 2700 acres Gila Bend AFAF N

Assessment EUL for alternate energy sourcing is a positive and offers a viable buffer to boundary encroachment Proposed areas leverage access and infrastructure Land sites encompass acreage desired for viable investment Accessible from highway yet restricted public access 69 kV transmission line travels Hwy 85 right-of-way Proposed land parcel within BMGR is part of withdrawn public land (DoD and USAF manage land under 1999 Lands Withdrawal Act for extended military use) and its use for other than military requires consultation with DOI Operational considerations / access must be further addressed
