BASIC FACTS ABOUT SWEDEN The third largest country in Western Europe Capital: Stockholm Population: 9.4 million Language: Swedish Constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy Life expectancy: 79 years (men), 83 years (women) Member of EU since 1995 Equality
EDUCATION SYSTEM IN SWEDEN Preschool (80% of one to five-year-olds) Elementary school compulsory for children aged 7-16 High school (three years) or other educational programs University
STRUCTURE OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES ECTS credits: 1.5 ECTS per week of fulltime studies (40 hours), 30 ECTS per semester Two semesters per academic year
STRUCTURE OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES FIRST LEVEL: University Diploma (2 years, 120 ECTS), Bachelor’s degree (3 years, 180 ECTS) SECOND LEVEL: Degree of Master (one year, 60 ECTS), Degree of Master (2 years, 120 ECTS) THIRD LEVEL: Degree of Licentiate (2 years, 120 ECTS), Degree of Doctor (4 years, 240 ECTS)
STRUCTURE OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES FIRST LEVEL: Courses and programs Exchange students and free movers Requirements: completion of high school, proficiency in English (and Swedish, TISUS) Limited admission
STRUCTURE OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES SECOND LEVEL: About 600 Master’s degree programs in English Requirements: Three years at first level (180 ECTS), proficiency in English (e.g. TOEFL or IELTS) Limited admission
STRUCTURE OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES THIRD LEVEL: About 19,000 research students PhD thesis, publicly defended Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or higher in the same subject as intended field of study, including independent degree thesis
STRUCTURE OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES “University” and “University College” Lectures and seminars Examination Degree thesis
LANGUAGES USED IN UNIVERSITY STUDIES Swedish (Norwegian, Danish) English
APPLICATION Authorized translations of diplomas Deadlines: varying, usually mid-January, mid-August SEK 900 application fee (approx. GEL 220) Decision rests with each academic institution If accepted, confirm and pay the tuition fee for first year
STUDENT VISA AND RESIDENCE PERMIT Apply as soon as you receive acceptance letter! Requirements: Accepted to full-time study program, payment of tuition fees, proof that you have access to funding of SEK 7,300 (GEL 1790) per month Application fee: SEK 1,000 (GEL 245)
For students who are not citizens of EU, EEA or Switzerland TUITION FEES For students who are not citizens of EU, EEA or Switzerland Fees differ between universities and depending on area of studies In general SEK 80,000-140,000 (GEL 19,625-34,350) per academic year PhD programs are for free
SCHOLARSHIPS Check availability of scholarships with each university “The Swedish Institute Baltic Sea Region Program/Visby Program: scholarships for master’s level studies” “Visby Program for PhD and post-doctoral studies in Sweden”
Exchange students receive assistance Student dormitories ACCOMMODATION Exchange students receive assistance Student dormitories Cost: SEK 2,000-4,500 (GEL 490-1,100) for a room Availability varies between universities
STUDENT LIFE Nations Student Unions