Jean-Pierre DE GREVE Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium J.P. DE GREVE, VUB, BRUSSELS 2012.03.08 9 th China Study Abroad Forum,


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Presentation transcript:

Jean-Pierre DE GREVE Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium J.P. DE GREVE, VUB, BRUSSELS th China Study Abroad Forum, Beijing 欧洲高等教育国际学生流动 趋势、阻碍、 激励

32 countries in Europe 欧洲 32 国国际学生概况 1.5 million foreign students enrolled in % international global student market Large growth:  between 50% and 82% *Teichler, Ferencz,Wächter, 2011

United Kingdom Germany France 2/3 of all foreign students* *Teichler, Ferencz,Wächter, 2011 英德法三国拥有欧洲 2/3 的外国学生

Outgoing mobility of Chinese students to Europe* (share of entrants by destination) * Chinese MoE 2008 中国学生在欧洲国家留学目的地分布情况 France Germany United Kingdom

Case study: Belgium: international students All students: Female: 57 %, Foreign: (12%) Countries: 1. France (37.9%) 2. Netherlands (7.3%) 3. Morocco (5.6%) ….. 8. China (2.5%) Fields of study: 1. Health&Welfare (34.7%) 2. Social Sci, Bus & Law (23.3%) 3. Humanities&Art (14.4%); 4. Engineering (7.9%) 5. Science (7.1%) 比利时国际学生概况

Trend credit mobility (EU ERASMUS Program) Incoming: small countries Belgium Cyprus Estonia Romania 欧盟伊拉斯谟学生流动趋势(小国流入)

Trend credit mobility (EU ERASMUS Program) Incoming: large countries Germany Austria Spain 欧盟伊拉斯谟学生流动趋势(大国流入)

General Hurdles In and Out lack of information University low motivation, little to no personal interest U inadequate financial support Government foreign language skills deficiencies U insufficient time in curriculum U legal barriers (visa and immigration) G problems gaining recognition of credits* abroad U+G *Credits: awarded for successful completion of courses 学生流动障碍

Possible remedies Financial incentives: portable grants and loans Curricular incentives: ECTS, diploma supplement More mobility windows (incl. internships/thesis) Personal incentives (professors, authorities) 可行的解决方法

The future: a new EC policy (2014) one programme ‘ERASMUS for All’ ( 全民伊拉斯谟计 划 ) increased efficiency, easier application, reduced duplication and fragmentation. study, training, teaching and volunteering opportunities abroad support for IT platforms, such as e-twinning Overall budget: €19 billion Euro ( 约 160 亿 元人民币 ) over 7 years €1.8 billion ( 约 15 亿 元人民币 ) for international cooperation 欧盟委员会 2014 年的新政策

1. Learning opportunities both within the EU and beyond Europeans can go anywhere in the world non-European students and staff : study, teach and learn in Europe (mostly neighboring countries) 2.2 million students 二百二十万 学生 更多学习机会

2. Institutional cooperation employability, creativity and entrepreneurship 受雇能力、创造力 和 企业家的培养 development and implementation of innovative practices in education, training and youth activities University Business 创新 实践 机构间的合作

3. Support for policy reform in Member States and cooperation with non-EU countries in 27 Member States cooperation with non-EU countries 支持欧盟成员国政策改革以及 与非欧盟国家的合作

Two novelties A loan guarantee scheme for Master's degree students to finance their studies abroad The creation of 400 'knowledge alliances' and 'sector skills alliances'. - large-scale partnerships between higher education institutions and businesses - creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship 知识 联盟 两个新政策

Case study: Internationalisation at VUB 布鲁塞尔自由大学国际化进程 1927 Solvay Conference

Brussels, heart of Europe

International Relations & Mobility Office Education: - Research oriented and research integrated approach (Chinese students: 98 Master, 76 PhD and Postdoc; 4th country with 7% of total student population) - English taught Master programmes (Engineering, Computer Science, Communication Sciences, …), Specific bridge programmes (BICCS) Programs: - Erasmus Mundus, ASEM Duo, Internships Projects: - Joint PhD’s, Trans Continental Internship Program, Summer School

Strategic efforts Extra incentives for faculty mobility Reform of curriculum Additional mobility grants On-campus mobility fair (twice a year) International internship campaign International alumni networks

Thank you! J.P. DE GREVE, VUB, BRUSSELS th China Study Abroad Forum, Beijing 谢谢