Medical Timeline
Introduction Brainstorm home remedies. Evaluate the effectiveness and safety of these remedies. Explain that the practice of medicine has evolved over the years, often by trial and error. Visit:
4000 BC – 3000 BC Primitive Times Illness and diseases were a punishment from the Gods Tribal witch doctors treated illness with ceremonies Herbs and plants used as medicines (morphine and digitalis) Trepanation or trephining to create a hole in the skull Average life span 20 years Digitalis has long been used as a treatment for heart failure in addition to a range of other traditional uses. The plant is cultivated as an ornamental. Evidence of trepanation has been found in prehistoric human remains from Neolithic times onward. Cave paintings indicate that people believed the practice would cure epileptic seizures,migraines, and mental disorders.[3] The bone that was trepanned was kept by the prehistoric people and may have been worn as a charm to keep evil spirits away. Evidence also suggests that trepanation was primitive emergency surgery after head wounds[4] to remove shattered bits of bone from a fractured skull and clean out the blood that often pools under the skull after a blow to the head. Such injuries were typical for primitive weaponry such as slings and war clubs.[5]
If you had a stomach ache and chills during primitive times, would you tell someone? Why or why not? What do you think were the complications of trepanation?
3000 BC – 300 BC Ancient Egyptians Physicians were priests Bloodletting or leeches used as medical treatment Average life span 20 years 3000 BC – 300 BC Ancient Egyptians Visit here:
What do you know about mummification What do you know about mummification? What can you learn about Egyptians from that? What do you think Egyptians used leeches, and what do you suspect was the result?
Believed in the need to treat the whole body by curing the spirit and nourishing the body Recorded a pharmacopoeia of medications based mainly on the use of herbs Used therapies such as acupuncture Began to search for medical reasons for illness Average life span was 20-30 years 1700 BC – AD 220 Ancient Chinese
First to observe the human body and the effects of disease – led to modern medical sciences. Believed illness is a result of natural causes Used therapies such as massage, art therapy, and herbal treatment Average life span 25-35 years 1200 BC –200 BC Ancient Greeks
Why do some people say that the Greeks are the founders of modern medicine?
Established first hospital (caring for solders in their homes) First public health and sanitation systems by building sewers and aqueducts Average life span 25-35 years 753 BC – AD 410 Ancient Romans
In history class you learned that the Romans were known for building roads ad impressive buildings, and for fighting wars? How do those facts relate to the Romans’ contributions to medicine?
AD 400 – AD 800 Dark Ages Began after the fall of the Roman Empire Emphasis on saving the soul and study of medicine was prohibited Monks and priests treated patients with prayer Many in the Church believed illness was a punishment from God. Average life span 20-30 years AD 400 – AD 800 Dark Ages
Why did they call it the Dark Ages?
Renewed interest in medical practices of Greek and Romans Bubonic Plague killed 75% of population in Europe and Asia Average life span 20-35 years AD 800 – AD 1400 Middle Ages
What was the other name for the Bubonic Plague? What caused it?
AD 1350 – AD 1650 Renaissance Dissection of body led to increased understanding of anatomy and physiology Invention of printing press allowed medical knowledge to be shared Average life span 30-40 years Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) and Michelangelo (1475– 1564), who are known to have undertaken detailed anatomical dissections at various points in their long careers, set a new standard in their portrayals of the human figure Below: Andreas Vesalius (1514–1564), Michelangelo, and da Vinci
What led to a better understanding of anatomy and physiology during the historical period and why was that important?
Click to see what smallpox looks like Cause of disease still not known – many people died from infections Invention of the microscope allowed physicians to see disease- causing organisms. Apothecaries led to development of pharmacies First vaccination developed – smallpox Average life span 35-45 years 16th and 17th Centuries Click to see what smallpox looks like
18th Century Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) created the first mercury thermometer John Hunter (1728-1793), established scientific surgical procedures and introduced tube feeding Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals Average life span 40-50 years
What invention led to doctors being able to see disease-causing organisms for the first time?
19th Century Formal training for nurses began Infection control developed once microorganisms were associated with disease Viruses discovered in 1892 Women became active participants in health care Average life span 40-60 years
What is infection control, and have you practices any infection control today?
20th and 21st Century What do you think?
How has technology influenced health care in the 21st century How has technology influenced health care in the 21st century? What types of ethical issues have these innovations led to? What do you feel is the greatest need for future discovery?