Implications for Enhancing Creativity 鄭晉昌 國立中央大學人資所
大家想一想 ? 現在中央大學的停車空間有限, 常常有外賓 來學校訪問或開會, 找不到車位, 但是學校 已無開放空間, 以及經費可以運用來開拓新 的停車位, 請問如何解決現有的停車空間問 題 ?
Methods for Destroying Creativity Making external evaluation salient Offering task-contingent rewards Imposing surveillance Making extrinsic motives salient
Componential Conception of Creativity Domain relevant skills Creativity relevant skills –Heuristics –Working styles –Cognitive styles –Personality traits Task motivation –Risk taking and playful exploration –Intrinsic motivation
Direct Attempts: Creativity Training Programs Brainstorming Synectics Creative problem solving –Problem finding –Idea finding –Acceptance finding Other programs –Purdue creativity training program Increasing fluency, flexibility, and originality in writing and drawing –Productive thinking program
Social Influence on Creativity Choice but not pre-determined Reward but without clear purpose Motivational orientation with intrinsic interests Modeling a creative response Simulation Play and fantasy Interpersonal detachment or relative lack of external control
Social Influence Undermining Creativity Constrained choice Highly expected reward Evaluation Peer pressure Surveillance
Implications for Education and Child-rearing General factors –Teach child to scan environment –Positive and constructive evaluations of problem solutions –Teachers behaviors to demos a sense humor –Peer influence with highly talented children –Excessive extended formal education
Implications for Education and Child-rearing Social factors –Work attitude by adopt intrinsic interests –Low degree of control –Explicitly contracted reward may undermine creativity –Individual differences
Implications for Arts, and Sciences, and Industry Creativity is much less subject to social and environment influences during adulthood than it is during childhood General factors –Stress –External support –Creativity heuristics –Personality –Control –Reward –Play at work –Organizational climates –Work settings –Individual differences
Update – Enhancing the components of creativity Environment that supports intrinsic motivation –Frequently focus learners on their increase in competence –Emphasize the joy of discovery –Allow learners considerable autonomy in the learning process Extrinsics in service of intrinsics can enhance creativity –Reward, recognition and feedback that confirm competence as well as feedback that provides important information on how to improve competence should have positive effects on enhancing creativity
Toward a Comprehensive Psychology of Creativity 鄭晉昌 國立中央大學人資所
Social Psychology of Creativity: Current Status Early family relationships appear to contribute to adult creativity –Early exposure to cultural diversity –Encourage autonomy and self-directed learning –Early exposure to creative model in a particular domain Social environment –Intrinsic interests enhance creativity
Social Psychology of Creativity: Future Directions It is important to examine thoroughly the impact of competition and competitive evaluation on intrinsic motivation Specific conditions under which tangible reward will and will not undermine creativity Identify the precise mechanism by which extrinsic constraint can hinder creativity Attempts should be made to alter social constraints so that they might actually enhance creativity Temporal span of experimental social-psychological studies on creativity must be expanded Experimental research in the social psychology of creativity must to continue to move beyond investigations of extrinsic motivation