Chapter 3
Leadership is the ability to influence a group to achieve a vision or set of goals Leadership
Extroversion Flexibility Creativity Emotional intelligence Honor their promises Common traits of leaders
Situation Ambition Charisma Motivators Common characteristics of the leader
A tense geopolitical situation is the necessary breeding ground for the emergence of a leader Geopolitical situation of: Jesus Christ, Napoleon, Gandhi, Mandela, Martin Luther King, etc. Situation
Seek to gain power to achieve their goals and of their followers Examples: George Whasinton, Chales de Gaulle, etc If that ambition is exacerbated, becomes a cult of personality and wishes to be remembered as a "great man" in such cases become dictators Examples: Julio Cesar, Lenin, Hugo Chavez, etc Ambition
Charisma is the quality of a person who differs from the others and makes him to be treated as endowed with supernatural powers or qualities, divine or exceptional. The followers attributed to the leader heroic or extraordinary skills when they observe certain behaviors. Charisma
Influenced through: – Vision: A strategy for achieving long- term goals – Values: Role model – Behavior: Offbeat – Emotional contagion: The followers are passed with the emotions of the leader and share their feelings Charisma
Optimism Passion Kinesthesic communication Creating links Charisma
They are born or made? Sometimes they are remembered only by his charisma Examples: Benjamin Frankiln, T.E. Lawrence, Hitler, J.F.K., Obama, etc Charisma
All leader must motivate their followers. To do this, must follow one of the following types of motivation Examples: George Washinton, Lenin, T.E. Lawrence, Hitler, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, etc Motivators
Extrinsic motivation: Exclusively external (salaries, promotions, awards, etc) Intrinsic motivation: personal satisfaction, sense of self-importance, personal growth, etc Transcendental motivation: Satisfaction with the importance of working for others, peers, teams, companies and/or society in general Types of motivation
Transactional leadership Transformational leadership Transcendental leadership Types of motivational leadership
Management brings about order and consistency by drawing up formal plans, designing rigid organizations structures, and monitoring results Leadership, leaders establish direction by developing a vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles Management &Leadership
Production-oriented Employee-oriented Types of orientation
Assigned specific tasks Expect them to meet established standards Attach importance to meeting deadlines Production-oriented
Mutual Trust Respect for the opinions of employees Consideration for the feelings of employees (respect their ethics) Employee-oriented