ENERGY Required for every Cellular & Molecular process especially for heart as it beats 100,000 times per day & consumes most of the energy.
ENERGY NUTRIENTS Carbohydrate. Protein. Fat ( right & in limited amount).
ENERGY STIMULATORS Vit. B complex ( B1,B2,B12). Magnesium, Iron etc. Others. Fruts an veg Dairyproducts and green leafy vegtables
POOR ENERGY LEVEL Fatigue. Stress. Poor immune system. Poor performance.
DRAWBACKS WITH GENERAL ENERGY SUPPLEMENTS Contain Stimulant Caffeine. Caffeine known for Addiction, Anxiety, nervousness, & Insomnia etc. Long term usage may lead to Heart disease & Diabetes.
CONT. Most brands do not provide balance between Carbs & protein. This balance is very critical for energy level. Expensive.
NOURISH ENERGY RUSH With additional energy boosters (Vit. B1,B2,B12, Magnesium, Iron). With brain food ( Folic acid, Iron,Vit.B6,Vit. B12). With Bone strengthers ( Calcium, Magnesium). With balanced Carbs & Protein unmatched by any other ordinary brand.
High quality Isolated Soy protein. Made in GMP certified unit. CONT. High quality Isolated Soy protein. Made in GMP certified unit. Suited & safer for everyone with great qualities. With new triple packaging. Available in new flavors Butter scotch & Chocolate.
FUNCTIONS Improves energy level. Good for performance & stamina. Improves mood. Promotes growth. Improves brain functioning.
POTENTIAL USERS Busy persons. Growing kids. Older persons. Suited to everyone needs.
USE Mix 10 gm in a cup of milk or water. Add sugar according to taste. Can be taken hot or iced.