MT5: Theories of Motivation


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Presentation transcript:

MT5: Theories of Motivation By: Adriana Lopez, Angela Pabon, Janelly Perez

Essential Questions What are the differences between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation? What drives one to progress in school and progress within the work place (in life)? How are these motivations different between the different age groups?

What is motivation? Motivation is an internal state that arouses, directs, and maintains behavior A desire to fulfill a personal need Internal mechanisms that arouse and direct a persons behavior Direction of ones effort

Extrinsic Motivation Motivation created by external factors. Rewards Punishments Consequences Not interested in the activity for its own sake, but instead for possible gains.

Intrinsic Motivation Associated with seeking out and conquering challenges in pursuit of personal interests and the exercise of capabilities. Examples: Activities that are their own reward Enjoyment of a task or the sense of accomplishment that it brings

Media Extrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation

What drives one to progress in the work place or at school?

When applied to student learning… Intrinsic Extrinsic Eager to learn Enjoy learning Welcome challenges Process information effectively Reluctant to engage in learning tasks Dislike learning Avoid challenges Process information superficially

How motivation affects students in their education: Directs behavior toward goals Increases effort and energy expended Commencement in activities is sooner Increases persistence in activities Enhances thought processes Determines what consequences are reinforcing Leads to improved performance

Motivation Hygiene Theory (Frederick Herzberg) Frederick Herzberg concluded Salary, fringe benefits, and working conditions (hygiene factors aka extrinsic motivation) Prevent dissatisfaction however don’t motivate a worker *Theory helped to focus on the importance of the intrinsic aspects*

Example Adrianna has a job where she is paid well and where they offer stable working conditions However, she is not motivated because intrinsic factors only contribute to satisfaction not motivation Things that would motivate her would be Recognition Love for what she does Achievement/Growth

Cognitive Evaluation Theory Edward Deci and his colleges determined Under certain conditions extrinsic rewards could decrease a persons intrinsic motivation If people believe that rewards provide positive information about their own accomplishments intrinsic motivation increases However, if they interpret the rewards as external control, intrinsic motivation decreases

Example Angela enjoys reading books If she was asked to read books to elementary children (knowing she loves working with children) for her grade in her Careers and Ed class her intrinsic motivation would still increase although there is an extrinsic factor However, if she didn’t like children but enjoyed reading, her intrinsic motivation would decrease because she is being forced to associate with children for her grade

The Overjustification Effect (Attribution Theory) Intrinsic motivation may be decreased by extrinsic incentives Rewarding people leads them to favor their behavior to the extrinsic reward rather than to their intrinsic interest in the activity *Intrinsic motivation is lower than if there were no extrinsic reward*

Example: Angela enjoys writing If her friends offer to pay her to write essays for them Her intrinsic motivation would decrease only because Angela is focusing on getting paid for writing rather than writing out of joy

The Expectancy Value Theory Motivation is governed by two things Expectancy of success Point of view and value someone has towards success Value of goal In terms of costs in pursuing goal Everyone has a need for achievement But in different amounts Combination of task value and expectation for success

Example: If Janelly studies for her Physiology test, she has less time to participate in her other activities such as ASB. Thus… if cost is too high, a person may avoid an activity In this case, she would avoid studying for the Physiology EOT in order to be able to engage in her ASB activity.

How are the two types of motivation different between age groups?

Children Children are motivated extrinsically rather than focusing on their own effort However, a child does seek approval from teachers and peers so they won’t looked upon negatively They are influenced by their environment At this age.. Intrinsic motivation is difficult to teach/learn Achievement rises faster with extrinsic rewards

Teens The significance of extrinsic motivation is still there However, we begin to develop needs for intrinsic motivation/rewards The environment and their self esteem contributes to how a teen succeeds Because teens still have their own self actualization needs

Adults High Intrinsic motivation is more likely found in adults External rewards can be offered but this may decrease their intrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation occurs when there is a serious fundamental need(s)

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