PROFILES APPROACH TO TEACHING AND LEARNING PHYSICS IN SLOVENIA Jerneja Pavlin and Iztok Devetak University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education
PROFILES Professional Reflection Oriented Focus on Inquiry-based Learning and Education through Science december 2010 – december
AIMS OF THE PROJECT PROFILES inquiry based science education (IBSE) teacher partnerships - teaching materials teacher skills in developing creative, scientific problem- solving and socio-scientific decision-making abilities in students success - self-efficacy of science teachers, the attitudes of students toward this approach 3
AIMS OF THE PROJECT PROFILES the development of teachers on four fronts: teacher as learner teacher as effective teacher teacher as reflective practitioner teacher as leader chain reaction - spreading of experiences intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of students outcome: school science related to 21st century science and incorporating interdisciplinary socio-scientific issues and IBSE- related teaching 4
PARTNERS 21 institutions from 19 different countries Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia coordinator in Slovenia: dr. Iztok Devetak 5 Slovenia
SLOVENIAN SPIDER WEB 6 SubjectSchool levelSchool yearTotal 2011/122012/132013/14 BiologyPrimary95317 Secondary/1/1 ChemistryPrimary Secondary51/6 PhysicsPrimary49114 Secondary2//2 General science Primary/4/5 Pre-service primary school teachers (general science, chemistry, environmental education) / Total
PROFILES MODULES POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) IBSE (Inquiry Based Science Education) teaching module – topic (3 - 6 school hours, curricula) working in groups with 4 or 5 pupils (tasks of members) 7
PARTS OF PROFILES MODULES 1)Module title 2)Why do I learn this? 3)Aims 4)Learning outcomes 5)Prior knowledge 6)Literature 7)New concepts 8)Data and models 9)Key questions 10)Exercises 11)Do I understand? 12)Problems 8
SLOVENIAN PHYSICS MODULES - TOPICS pressure density friction electrostatics motion air resistance tools electricity 9
positive attitude of pupils (experimental work) expectations of pupils reading of instructions problems with experiments (results) questionnaires and tests personal expectations of teachers reading and interpretation of tables and graphs skills of finding key information in the text 10 PROFILES MODULES REFLECTIONS TEACHERS’ PORTFOLIOS
PROFILES MODULES REFLECTIONS + motivational introduction inquiry-based learning active learning of students teamwork pupils’ abilities heterogeneous groups individual work of students with information time effective 11
PROFILES MODULES REFLECTIONS time (preparation, science days, 2 hours per week) selected topics modules schedules assistant help habits of pupils – specific way of learning, reading problems 12
PROFILES MODULES REFLECTIONS PUPILS’ COMMENTS ON THE NEW WAY OF TEACHING AND LEARNING “Teacher, you have hidden answers in the text.” “Teacher, why don’t you explain the topic to us anymore?” “Why do we have to write things, fill in worksheets, questionnaires?” 13
PROFILES MODULES REFLECTIONS ACHIEVEMENTS OF PUPILS achievements of pupils knowledge as answering on questions experimental skills vs. understanding bright pupils – challenge, effectiveness, deep knowledge weak pupils – lower understanding of concepts 14
CONCLUSION IBSE approach has been well accepted professional development and reflection – portfolio the applications of questionnaires and tests PROFILES modules 15
16 Thank you for your attention.