日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /


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日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) ・
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Presentation transcript:

日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /

Last Week: The Samurai Spirit Yukio Mishima: Japanese novelist and playwright, whose central theme is the dichotomy between traditional Japanese values and the spiritual barrenness of contemporary life. He was hated by leftists, in particular for his outspoken and anachronistic commitment to bushido, the code of the samurai

Last Week: The Samurai Spirit Remembered for his ritual suicide by seppuku after a failed coup d'état on November 25, film interweaves episodes from his life with dramatizations of segments from his books The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, Kyoko's House, and Runaway Horses. Co-written and directed by Paul Schrader in Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas served as executive producers ( 日本未公開 )Paul SchraderFrancis Ford CoppolaGeorge Lucas "It's the one I'd stand by – as a screenwriter it's Taxi Driver, but as a director it's Mishima“ Paul Schrader

Last Week: National Character as an ideological construction

きび 厳しさ (intensity) きりつ 規律 ( discipline ) ま じ め 真面目さ (seriousness)

“I will continue to hold fast to the traditional Japanese spirit (tamashii). It encompasses Japanese perseverance, grace and other qualities.” 「日本人の我慢強さや潔(いさぎよ)さなど色々な 意味がこもっていると思って選んで。。。外国人力 士に対する思いではなく、自分自身に大和魂が必要 だと思った。」


豪州における対日世論調査(結 果) 外務省 2006 年 6 月

Japanese have not always been perceived as hard-working…

Reports by German missionaries in Japan, end of 19 th century “The steady, systematic work to which we Nordic people were educated is unknown here on the average. “ “The Japanese worker is hardly willing to submit himself to the military discipline which according to our standards must rule the modern factory. He takes his holiday whenever he likes, he comes and goes as he pleases, and if he is scolded for such behavior, he leaves the company.”

Re-inventing Japan How do we distinguish between people? –Is nation the major (or even only important) distinguishing category?!? Where do we draw the lines? What gives us the confidence to sum up 123 million ‘Japanese’ in a single word? What categories of thought underlie concepts of nationhood? How are they used to create an image of ‘Japan’

Drawing Lines: Island Scenario

Nation as the dominant (only?) identity or category "The idea of a man without nation seems to impose a strain on the modern imagination. A man must have a nationality as he must have a nose and two ears. All this seems obvious, though, alas, it is not true. But that it has come to appear so very obviously true is indeed an aspect, perhaps the very core, of the problem of nationalism. Having a nation is not an inherent attribute of humanity, but it has now come to appear as such." Ernest Gellner (1983: 6)

Nationality a Recent Invention ‘Invented’ in Europe at the end of C. 18 th –Developed mid C. 19 th thanks to the emergence of ‘print-capitalism’ ( 出版資本主義 ) Idea of nation emerged later in Japan –“The modern Japanese state…is an artificial construct whose boundaries were drawn in the 2 nd half of the 19 th century” TMS 明治32(1899)年に国籍法が制定される まで、国籍という概念が存在していなかった

Next Week: Who are the Japanese?

Who is the ‘typical’ Japanese? Mr Yamamoto?Ms Tanaka?

Statistically speaking, the typical Japanese is... Mr Yamamoto?Ms Tanaka?

Male Works for large company / job-for-life University Graduate (English speaking) Wealthy/ Middle- upper class 49% 40% (?) 12% / 25% 14.1%

Female Works for small/med. company / no job-for-life No University Education (non-English speaking) Middle, lower middle, poor 51% 60% (?) 88% / 75% 84.7%

But in terms of image or stereotype, the typical Japanese is… Mr Yamamoto?Ms Tanaka?

Q: Why has the male ‘salaryman’ come to represent all Japanese? A: POWER brings access to mass media and publicity: visibility (the ‘face’ of Japan)

Q: Why has the male ‘salaryman’ come to represent all Japanese? A: Viewers, visitors, tourists tend to interact mostly with these ‘gatekeepers’

日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /

Parents unmarried; Father recognises paternity after birth= FOREIGN PASSPORT Parents unmarried; Father recognises paternity before birth= JAPANESE PASSPORT

Japan as seen from abroad: crime Lucie Blackman (2000) –Decapitated, encased in concrete, head-shaved Lindsay Ann Hawker (2007) –Left in bathtub of sand, hair cut “To understand the duality of Japanese society - the strait-laced conformity, on the one hand, combined with what we might consider almost reckless abandonment - it is necessary to get to grips with two Japanese concepts: honne and tatemae. “

Population Decline Population peaked in 2004 at 127,838, : no. of Japanese falling, no. of non- Japanese continuing to rise Forecast for 2055: 90 million people!

Post-earthquake foreign media coverage

THE elderly and exhausted Japanese survivor was carried by piggyback into the medical centre and gently placed in a chair. As her rescuer left the room, she struggled to her feet and bowed. Alongside the chaos and destruction wrought by the terrible earthquake and tsunami have been scenes of heart-breaking orderliness and self- control. Japan is prostrate and fearful, but there are no reports of widespread looting, panic or hoarding… Western news crews search the wreckage for images of fear and anguish, for outrage and despair, but the Japanese survivors avert their faces and cover their eyes if they weep. This extraordinary stoicism can be summed up by the Japanese word gaman, a concept that defies easy translation but broadly means calm forbearance, perseverance and poise in the face of events beyond one's control. Crushed, but true to law of 'gaman' From: The Australian March 16, 2011 (The Times)The Australian Stoicism: 1. ストア哲学[主義] 2. 禁欲 ; 冷静, 平然

Japan Earthquake 2011 : Calm & Constructive = Gaman “The rescue is going on throughout the night, of course,” Michael Tonge, a teacher from Britain, said early morning from his home in Sendai. No buildings had collapsed in his neighborhood, Mr. Tonge said, and people were not panicking - typical of a nation accustomed to order and schooled to stay calm & constructive. “The few shops open have people queuing nicely,” he said, “with no pushing, fighting or anything." New York Times March 2011

In Deference to Crisis, a New Obsession Sweeps Japan: Self-Restraint TOKYO — Even in a country whose people are known for walking in lockstep, a national consensus on the proper code of behavior has emerged with startling speed. Consider post-tsunami Japan as the age of voluntary self-restraint, or jishuku, the antipode of the Japan of the “bubble” era that celebrated excess. New York Times March 27, 2011

Britain lauds ‘resilience’ of Japan, pledges help British Foreign Secretary William ague expressed his “great admiration” for Japan’s ‘resilience’ and offered support for the country’s reconstruction following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami disaster Daily Yomiuri p. 3 Resilience: 弾力性・回復力・快活・元気

In contrast….

石原慎太郎・東京都知事は14日、東日本 大震災に関し、「日本人のアイデンティテ ィーは我欲。この津波をうまく利用して我 欲を1回洗い落とす必要がある。やっぱり 天罰だと思う」と述べた。都内で報道陣に 、大震災への国民の対応について感想を問 われて答えた。 発言の中で石原知事は「アメリカのアイ デンティティーは自由。フランスは自由と 博愛と平等。日本はそんなものはない。我 欲だよ。物欲、金銭欲」と指摘した 上で、 「我欲に縛られて政治もポピュリズムでや っている。それを(津波で)一気に押し流 す必要がある。積年たまった日本人の心の あかを」と話した。 朝日新聞

読売新聞2011・5・14 p。15