September 11, 2012 Rockport, Maine
Mosquitoborne Diseases ◦ Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) ◦ West Nile virus (WNV) ◦ Testing for arboviral illness when presenting with unexplained encephalitis, meningitis, or fever greater than 100.4°F ◦ For more info, Ongoing Pertussis(Whooping Cough) Outbreak ◦ As of August 30th 441 likely or confirmed cases ◦ For more info,
◦ National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month ◦ National Fruit and Veggies - More Matters Month
September 29 th Medication Take Back Day ◦ HMPs are once again assisting with the national effort contact your local HMP for drop-off sites in your County October 3 rd Southern Maine Regional Resource Center Collaborative Meeting ◦ 8am-12pm Hilton Garden Inn, Freeport ◦ hospitals and health facilities register at
October 17 th Maine Public Health Association Annual Meeting ◦ Augusta Civic Center For more info &to register: November 13 th Midcoast DCC meeting ◦ Mental Health Forum, State Health Assessment November 13 th Maine CDC’s Infectious Disease Conference. ◦ Augusta Civic Center For more info &to register:
Thank you and enjoy the rest of the Summit! Charles Dwyer Midcoast Public Health District Liaison