MONDAYAUGUST 26, 2013 IP What’s Wrong With This Picture? Due IP Pretest
TUESDAYAUGUST 27, 2013 IP Complete Warmup Worksheet IP Pretest Questions? Metric Notes Metric Conversions HW: Metric Mania Worksheet
WEDNESDAYAUGUST 28, 2013 IP Complete Warmup Worksheet Review Metric Mania Worksheet Metric Conversions Practice Wrksht Metrics and Scientific Method Quiz Thursday
THURSDAYAUGUST 29, 2013 IP Complete Warmup Metrics and Scientific Method Quiz Length Lab
FRIDAY AUGUST 30, 2013 IP Complete Warmup Due Safety Test Makup/Corrections Length Lab
TUESDAYSEPTEMBER 3, 2013 IP Warmup Complete Measuring Length Lab Measuring Practice Packet
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 2013 IP Complete Warmup Mass and Volume Practice Lab
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 2013 IP Complete Warmup Complete Mass and Volume Lab Binder Due Measurement Packet
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 IP Complete Warmup Intro Density Density Worksheet #1 (Calculating Density) Density Quiz Friday
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 2013 IP Warmup Explain how we used the aluminum foil to demonstrate a change in density. Review Density Worksheet #1 Intro Coke vs. Diet Coke Lab
TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 IP Warmup Why do you think there is a difference in density between Coke and Diet Coke? Coke vs. Diet Coke Lab Students must write a conclusion based in their notes on a separate sheet of paper
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 IP Warmup Provide a real life example of when knowing the density of something would be important. Complete Lab write up – Due Today Density Worksheet #2 Density Quiz Friday
THURSDAYSEPTEMBER 12, 2013 IP Warmup Draw the math triangle for the density formula. Review Density Worksheet #2 Density Worksheet #3 Density Quiz Friday
FRIDAYSEPTEMBER 13, 2013 IP Warmup A box has measurements of 6cm, 4cm, 2cm with a mass of 750g. What is the Density? Show your work. Review Density Worksheet #3 Density Quiz
MONDAYSEPTEMBER 16, 2013 IP Warmup Why is it necessary to have the mass AND volume of an object to calculate density? Density Review Energy Notes Energy Examples Worksheet
TUESDAYSEPTEMBER 17, 2013 IP Warmup What types of energy does a lamp use and create? Begin Solar Oven Lab (Build)
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 2013 IP Warmup Describe the relationship between Gravitational Potential and Kinetic Energy. Energy Transfer Notes and Worksheet
THURSDAYSEPTEMBER 19, 2013 IP Warmup Explain how Conduction is different from Radiation. Complete Solar Oven Lab (Build) Current Science Articles
FRIDAYSEPTEMBER 20, 2013 IP Warmup Describe how convection works. Midterm Self Assessment Energy Stations Observations Lab
MONDAYSEPTEMBER 23, 2013 IP Warmup Describe the energy used in one of the objects tested on Friday. Self Assessment/Grade Sheet Due Energy Transfer Video Begin Solar Oven Lab Report
TUESDAYSEPTEMBER 24, 2013 IP Warmup Provide an example of an energy transfer. Solar Oven Lab Data Collection Types of Energy Quiz - Wednesday
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 25, 2013 IP Warmup What happened to the Sun’s light energy after it entered the Solar Oven? Types of Energy Quiz Continue Working on Solar Oven Lab Report
THURSDAYSEPTEMBER 26, 2013 IP Warmup What information should be graphed for this lab? Continue Solar Oven Lab Report Graphs/Analysis Conclusion Self Assessment/Evaluation
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 2013 IP Warmup At what temperature will the chocolate begin to melt on the smores? Solar Oven Smores Data Collection
MONDAYSEPTEMBER 30, 2013 IP Warmup Why did your Solar Oven not reach the same high temperatures in trial 3 compared to the trials 1 and 2? Solar Oven Lab Create 2 graphs for data Continue Lab Write up Solar Oven Lab Due Tuesday
TUESDAYOCTOBER 1, 2013 IP Warmup Describe 3 important/ necessary things to include on a graph. Complete Solar Oven Lab Lab Report Due Today Rubric, Lab Sheet, Procedures, Graphs, Conclusion
WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 2, 2013 IP Warmup What trends in data did your graphs from the Solar Oven Lab show? Complete Energy Transfer PowerPoint Energy Matrix
THURSDAYOCTOBER 3, 2013 IP Warmup What type of energy transfers does a toaster produce? Complete Energy Matrix Energy Transfer Worksheets Energy Test - Monday
FRIDAY OCTOBER 4, 2013 IP Warmup Name all the waves in the Electromagnetic Spectrum from weakest to strongest. Energy Review Packet Energy Test - Monday
MONDAYOCTOBER 7, 2013 IP Warmup Explain the Law of Conservation of Energy. Energy Review Packet Due Energy Test
TUESDAYOCTOBER 8, 2013 IP Warmup Explain the relationship between Gravitational Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy. GPE/KE Ball Lab
WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 9, 2013 IP Warmup If energy cannot be created or destroyed, where did the energy go when the ball stopped moving? Graph GPE/KE Lab Data
THURSDAY OCTOBER 10, 2013 IP Warmup Based on the lab, what is the relationship between GPE and the number of bounces? Warmup Due GPE/PE Data and Lab Due Intro Alternate Energy Resources Project Begin Research (iPads)
FRIDAY OCTOBER 11, 2013 IP No School Institute Warmup
MONDAY OCTOBER 14, 2013 Chem/Phys No School
TUESDAY OCTOBER 15, 2013 Chem/Phys Warmup Why do we need alternate energy sources? Continue Alternate Energy Resources Project Research
WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 16, 2013 Chem/Phys Warmup Why is your resource better than oil? Alternate Energy Resource Project (IMC)
THURSDAY OCTOBER 17, 2013 Chem/Phys Warmup No Warmup Alternate Energy Resource Project (IMC)
FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013 Chem/Phys Warmup No Warmup Alternate Energy Resource Project (IMC) End of First Quarter