Stephanie Warner’s Arctic Adventure April 11, 2007 Click on the paw print to begin!
Take a trip through a wintery world and learn about the special animals that call The Arctic their home Hi! My name is Jon and I will be your tour guide through The Arctic. So put on your warmest clothes and click on me to begin our trip to see and learn about the animals that live there. Also, click on me at any time during our trip to go to the next page in our trip.
You have learned that the Arctic Circle is at the top of the Earth, were it can be very cold. In some places in the Arctic, there are days during the year when the sun can’t be seen. The animals that live in the Arctic have special adaptations that help them live in this environment. Let’s go!
Do you see that Arctic Fox? The white fur can make it hard to see when there is snow all around. This helps the Arctic Fox hide from other animals. Our trip is off to a great start! What color is the fur of the Arctic Fox during the summer? Click on the Arctic Fox for the answer. WHITEBROWN Let’s continue our trip!
Can you see that ? It is very far away but it is definitely something you will want to see. Click to pick up your binoculars and take a closer look.
An Arctic Fox pup in its den! Be very quiet!
The Arctic Fox has hair on its paws not only to keep them warm, but the hair also helps the Arctic Fox walk on the ice and snow. What will we see next?
The land in the Arctic is called tundra because it does not have ______ Do you know the answer? I know it. Click me to find out.
The land in the Arctic is called tundra because it does not have ______ TREES
Did you hear that? A polar bear must be close by! You have learned that the Polar Bear is the largest animal in the Arctic Circle, but did you know that the Arctic Fox has the warmest fur of any animal in the Arctic? But the Polar Bear and the Arctic Fox do have one characteristic in common, do you know what it is? Both the Polar Bear and the Arctic Fox have a similar diet, they both eat meat. This means that both animals are ________. HERBIVORESCARNIVORES Remember: Click the Polar Bear for the answer Quick! We must move before we are seen by the Polar Bear!
It is our lucky day! Pick up your binoculars again and look at the amazing sight in the distance. Remember to be very quiet so that they don’t know we are here!
That small Polar Bear cub will grow up to weigh 1,000 pounds! Let’s find out what else you know about Polar Bears
Polar Bears eat other animals, such as seals and fish. Does this mean that a Polar Bear is a predator or prey? I know the answer. Click me to find it.
Polar Bears eat other animals, such as seals and fish. Does this mean that a Polar Bear is a predator or prey? You are doing great! Which animal is next? A PREDATOR
Do you know which animal in the Arctic has the largest ears? It is an animal that you have seen before, but it has a different name. It is the Arctic Hare. Let’s learn more!
The Arctic Hare is part of the rabbit family. Look closer at those big feet through your binoculars!
Those big feet help the Arctic Hare to jump away from predators. We have more to see!
The fur of the Arctic Hare changes color in the summer and the winter, just like the fur of the Arctic Fox. To help them hide from predators, what color would the Arctic Hare’s fur be during the winter? BROWNWHITE Click the Arctic Hare to learn the answer. Great work!
You have completed an amazing trip through the wild world of the Arctic. You learned a lot of new facts and saw many interesting animals. Great job! We are almost done!
It is time for us to say goodbye, but this doesn’t have to be the end of your learning about the animals that live in the Arctic Circle. Keep exploring! Click here to visit a website about all the Arctic Animals we saw and more! Click here to visit a website about the Arctic Fox and see more pictures! Back to the start!