animal picture here Years ago many muskoxen disappeared. They protect themselves by forming large circles. A herd might have 100 animals. It has long shaggy hair and large horns. Learn about the animal. Not pollute the earth yrs Arctic tundra Grass, low growing willows Hunting, bears and wolves Background photo source: Musk Ox
animal picture here The polar bear is the largest bear in the world. Polar bears like lots of space to roam around. They have hairy soles for walking on slippery ice. I can lean about the animal. I will not pollute the earth. Make a safe place for them. 25 years I live in the Arctic region. I eat meat like seal. global warming and oil and gas pollution Background photo source: Polar Bear
animal picture here Their feet are webbed but they don`t like to stay in water. They hardly ever land, so they eat while flying most of the time. It makes the longest migration of any bird. It flies from the Arctic region to the Antarctic ice. I can learn about the animal. I will not pollute the Earth. 20 yrs. I live in the Arctic tundra. Small,shrimp, krill, or insects Pollution, hunters. Background photo source: Arctic Tern
animal picture here They are related to arctic fox’. We can run fast. We live in the south. They live with packs. Little arctic wolves stay with their parents and pack. By telling the people that they need to stop killing arctic wolves. 17 years I live in different places. People and cars. Background photo source: gallery. maiman Arctic wolf OX’S AND BULLS.
animal picture here A puffin is a sea bird.It can fly, dive and swim.It can hold up to 10 fish in its beak. While underwater, the puffin swims by using its wings to push it along. During spring its beak and feet turn bright colors. I can learn about the animal.I will not pollute the Earth.Make a safe place for them. 20 years Near the Atlantic Ocean in burrows and on steep cliffs. I eat small fish, sand eels, herring, hake, capelin, and crustaceans. Over fishing, over hunting,oil spills, and global warming. Background photo source: Puffin
animal picture her e It dives over feet. It likes cold water. It only has two teeth. Are very curious and will go and will go and see boats that are around. Stop pollution and hunting. Learn about my animal yrs Arctic and North Atlantic oceans Squid Chemical pollution and hunting. Background photo source: Northern Bottlenose Whale
animal picture here Beluga Whales can swim backwards. They are called sea canaries because of their singing.They can be 3300 lb. and 13 ft. long. Older whales are white. I will not pollute the Earth. I can learn about them. 35 years I live in the Arctic region. I eat fish, crabs,squid, and clams. Pollution and net fisheries. Background photo source: Beluga Whale
animal p ictur hre Another name for the ermine is weasel. Their fur turns from brown to white.They like to live alone. I can learn about the animal them.I will not pollute the earth. 7 years I live in the forests and tundra. I eat small mammals. Hunting for its white fur Background photo source: Ermine
animal picture here Seals don’t chew their food but they swallow it. Baby seals are white for about 2 weeks. 30 years North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans Fish, crustaceans Hunters Background photo source: Harp Seal I can learn about the animal. I will not pollute the earth.
animal picture here Snowy Owls are not nocturnal. They hunt at dusk. They can turn their heads almost in a circle. They can get their food from the air, the ground or in the water. Learn about the animal. Don’t pollute. Make a safe place for them. 20 yrs Arctic tundra or open grassland Lemmings, birds, fish, and mice Arctic foxes, wolves Background photo source: Snowy Owl
animal picture here 26 years They have strong jaws.The Leopard seal may be migratory. There is a segregation by-age.The Leopard seal has almost a reptilian looking head. The nostrils are positioned on top of the muzzle.They have long fore flippers about 1/3 of body length. Antarctic pack ice Adelie penguins, krill, seals, and crab eater seals. Hunters Background photo source: Leopard Seal I can learn more about the animal. I will not pollute the earth. Make a safe place for them.
animal picture here They are the largest penguins. Their short wings help them to dive down to 900 feet to catch fish. Father holds the egg on his legs when the mom goes to get the food. The dad has to stay with the egg for 2 months.. I will not pollute the Earth. I will learn about them. 20 years I live in the Antarctic continent. krill and fish Global warming, hunters, oil spill Background photo source: Emperor Penguin …
animal picture here About 1 year The Arctic Hare changes colors during the seasons.Its white fur helps camouflage it in winter. It lives in the tundra of the Arctic region Woody plants, mosses, lichens, buds and berries Wolves, foxes, and polar bears Background photo source: Arctic Hare We can learn about them. Don’t pollute the earth.We can make a safe place for them.
animal pic ture here They build their nests with stones and will steal stones from other nests. On soft snow they can outrun a person. When penguins get tired of walking they toboggan on their belly. Visit zoos and take care of animals. Learn about the animal Don’t pollute yrs Antarctic continent Small Krill hunting and egg collecting Background photo source: Adelie Penguin
animal picture her Narwhals have 2 teeth. One tooth can grow up to 10 feet long. They talk by clicking and whistling. They live in pods. Learn about the animal. Not pollute the earth. Arctic seas squid, crab, shrimp and fish Polar bears, hunters,orcas, sharks Background photo source: Narwhal Whale 50 yrs
animal picture here They can walk on ice without slipping because they have thick hair on their feet. In the winter this fox turns white. 10 yrs Tundra and open woodland Birds and rodents Pollution, trappers Background photo source: Arctic Fox I can learn about the animal. I will not pollute the earth.
animal picture here A walrus can move as fast as a man can run. Its tusks can be 3 feet long. It uses them to protect itself and cut though ice. You can make a law about killing endangered animals. 40 yrs Alaskan and Bering seas Clams, snails, Mussels Humans, killer whales, polar bears Background photo source: Walrus
animal pcture here The caribou is related to the reindeer. The male and female have antlers. It travels all the time looking for food. Go to the zoo. I can learn about the animal. Not pollute the Earth yrs Northern forests of Canada Lichens, grasses and shrubs Losing forests, hunters Background photo source: Caribou
animal picture here Wolves live in small packs.The cubs are born deaf, blind and helpless.The whole pack takes care of the cubs. I can learn about the animal. I will not pollute the earth 17 years It lives in the Arctic regions. Lemming, Arctic Hare, Musk Ox, Caribou Man and other wolves hunt it and pollution Background photo source: Arctic Wolf
animal picture here It is related to artic wolf. It stays in the Tundra. Not killing it. 17 years Lemmings,birds and their eggs,insects,crust- ceans and seal Carrion. people Background photo source: Artic Fox In the tundra.