ABCDE $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
$100 $100 click here for answer What is an organism that eats plants or other animals for nutrients?
click here to go back to game $100 $100 consumers
$200 $200 click here for answer What do all organisms ultimately depend on for energy?
$200 $200 click here to go back to game sunlight
$300 $300 click here for answer Draw a food chain showing the flow of energy using these organisms: Rabbit Fox Grass
$300 $300 click here to go back to game
$400 $400 click here for answer What do plants need to make their own food during photosynthesis?
$400 $400 click here to go back to game Sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide
$500 $500 click here for answer What are two reasons plants are important?
$500 $500 click here to go back to game 1.They give us oxygen to breathe. 2.They provide food energy for animals.
$100 $100 click here for answer What do we call organisms that make their own food?
$100 $100 click here to go back to game producers
$200 $200 click here for answer What kind of organism comes last in every food chain?
$200 $200 click here to go back to game decomposer
$300 $300 click here for answer Give an example of an omnivore.
$300 $300 click here to go back to game Humans, moles, etc.
$400 $400 click here for answer Bob found a plant in a dark room. It doesn’t look very healthy so he puts it in a sunny window and waters it. What will happen to the plant? Why?
$400 $400 click here to go back to game The plant will start to make food through photosynthesis using the water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide. Since the plant can make its own food now, it will hopefully improve its health.
$500 $500 click here for answer Name one mistake in this food web and explain why it is a mistake. plants spiderspill bugs birds snakesowls mice
$500 $500 click here to go back to game 1. Mice to snakes has two arrows-only need 1 to show the path of energy 2.Mice to plants-plants give energy to mice, not vice versa 3.Arrow from bird to space-arrows must connect two organisms
$100 $100 click here for answer What is the process called by which plants make food?
$100 $100 click here to go back to game photosynthesis
$200 $200 click here for answer These organisms makes our life more pleasant because they don’t allow dead and decaying bodies to be lying around. What are we?
$200 $200 click here to go back to game decomposers
$300 $300 click here for answer I am also called the hunter. I catch my food and then eat it. What am I?
$300 $300 click here to go back to game predator
$400 $400 click here for answer Describe the flow of energy using the pictures. Include all the organisms you observe.
$400 $400 click here to go back to game The wheat is getting energy from the sun and is a producer. The rabbit, an herbivore, is getting energy from eating the grass. The fox, a carnivore, is getting energy from eating the rabbit.
$500 $500 click here for answer What do you think would happen if the number of birds decreased? Give 2 effects. plants beetle s pill bugs birds snakesowls
$500 $500 click here to go back to game 1.There would be more beetles and pill bugs. 2.There would be less owls and snakes.
$100 $100 click here for answer What is an animal that only eats producers?
$100 $100 click here to go back to game herbivore
$200 $200 click here for answer What’s another way to describe the flow of energy in a food chain or food web? (Hint-two words)
$200 $200 click here to go back to game Energy transfer
$300 $300 click here for answer What is the source of all food energy on earth?
$300 $300 click here to go back to game Producers
$400 $400 click here for answer Which organisms in this food web are producers? Give 2 reasons.
$400 $400 click here to go back to game The plants because they make their own food, are at the bottom of the food web, and get energy from the sun.
$500 $500 click here for answer What is one similarity and one difference between food webs and food chains?
$500 $500 click here to go back to game 1.Food chain-shows one flow of energy, food webs shows all flows of energy 2.Both use arrows to show the flow of energy.
$100 $100 click here for answer What is a community of organisms and the environment in which they live?
$100 $100 click here to go back to game ecosystem
$200 $200 click here for answer What is a product of photosynthesis? Hint: What is released into the air?
$200 $200 click here to go back to game oxygen
$300 $300 click here for answer Where does photosynthesis take place?
$300 $300 click here to go back to game In the leaves of a plant
$400 $400 click here for answer What does the direction of the arrows tell us in a food chain?
$400 $400 click here to go back to game The direction of the flow of energy.
$500 $500 click here for answer Construct a food web using at least 6 organisms based on the chart. ORGANISMFOOD EATEN Plankton WhalePlankton, krill KrillPlankton Arctic ternKrill, crabs CrabKrill Large fishCrabs, small fish PuffinSmall fish, crabs Small fishCrabs Polar bearLarge fish, puffin, harp seal Harp sealLarge fish, small fish Sea lionSmall fish OrcaHarp seal, sea lion
$500 $500 click here to go back to game