How It Started… Spiritism dates back all the way to The Fox family heard knockings around their house and pieces of furniture were being moved without knowledge of anybody and the noises were so loud that the Fox family had trouble sleeping at night. The sounds were coming from the two daughters of the Fox family who were being possessed by the spirits of the dead. They were the firsts hosts of modern times.
What it is… Spiritism is the belief that the living can and do communicate with the dead. People who are the most influenced by Spiritism are those who want to remember a certain person who left an impression on their life.
Why Catholic Moralists Believe That It’s Illegal Spiritists consider Christ and the Prophets as only “Mediators” of a natural religion. They are opposed to the other organized religions, thinking that they only have any indifferent value. The Sacred Scripture forbids the practice of trying summon the souls of the dead. Catholic moralists believe that due to the possibility of the many things that have been reported during séances could be due to diabolical influence.
Continued… And the final reason is because Spiritual activity not uncommonly causes damage to the health of the body and mind.
Spiritism was advocated by various periodical publications, and defended in numerous works which were said to have been dictated by the spirits themselves. They called it "Spirit Teachings". The main cause of the spreading of Spiritism was curiosity. In Germany, Spiritism was an outgrowth of "animal magnetism". The Spiritistic practices were simply set down as magic or superstition.
The Spiritistic hypothesis maintains that the communications are received from disembodied spirits. Telepathy at most may be the means of which people receive messages from spirits. Living people practice telepathy to try to make communication with spirits. Spiritism claims that it proves that people are immortal which would suggest that there is an after life. Spiritism can produce hallucinations, especially in subjects who are predisposed to insanity. Even those who are otherwise normal expose themselves to severe physical and mental strain
On July 30th, 1856, the Catholic Church took actions against Spiritism. The church proclaimed that the religion contradicted the Lord’s spirit and caused moral corruption. The church went on to say that the views of Spiritism reflected the works of the devil and Satanism. The church set up satanic interventions for people who were thinking about supporting Spiritism. The interventions were to warn the faithful against leading any support of Spiritism or even out of curiosity. Spiritistic practices with a demon were to be evicted. What the Church condemns in Spiritism is superstition with its evil consequences for religion and morality.
How A Person Becomes A Medium The soul of a person left behind on Earth, invades the soul of a human, making the person become a medium. The medium is filled with all of the knowledge of the spirit. The spirit is mostly seen through a séance. A séance is when a group of people sit in a circle and try to bring forth a lost soul. The medium is experiencing an experimental telepathy or what you would call being possessed. Telepathy is at the most the only way at which discarnate spirits act upon the minds of living humans.
The Ways You Can Tell TThere are sounds or noises unknown to you CChairs or any sort of furniture is moved around without you touching it IImpressions made on furniture unknown to you VVague glimmerings of light or faces somewhat defined LLevitation of objects by supernatural means AAppearance of a spirit in visible human form WWhen the picture of a spirit shows up on a photograph of the living
Another Way You Can Tell There is a tapping to an question you asked Words appear on paper, giving you an answer Trance-speaking (being possessed and the spirit is answering through a medium) Clairvoyance Description of the spirit world Communications from the dead
Each spirit had their own way of letting someone know that they are there. Whether it’s through another person, to leaving an object on the ground that wasn’t there before. Each one is different.
Most Spiritism is common with witch craft, wiccans, and pagans.
Séances Séances were very popular back in the day and are still happening. A loved one might want to try to communicate with a loved one that was lost.
Dangers There are dangers in pursuing Spiritism which include mental and moral dangers. Once the mediums “powers” are gone the medium enters a state of meekness which injures the mind. The possession tends to weaken and start the disintegration of the normal personality. The mental balance is disturbed and the self-control is either impaired or destroyed.