AfTLD 2nd African ccTLD Event, 2008 South Africa The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) update Presented by: Chengetai MASANGO.


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Presentation transcript:

AfTLD 2nd African ccTLD Event, 2008 South Africa The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) update Presented by: Chengetai MASANGO Programme and Technology Manager Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) & Pierre OUEDRAOGO Institut de la Francophonie Numérique (IFN) Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)

2 Convening a new Forum -WSIS invited the UN Secretary-General to “convene a new forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue” – the IGF. -A space for a dialogue – to bring all interested parties together: Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations; Internet institutions; Private Sector; Civil Society; Academic and Technical Communities.

3 One cross-cutting priority : Development -Internet governance to be placed in WSIS and MDG context (‘digital divide’). -Two aspects: -Effective and meaningful participation in Internet governance arrangements; - Building of capacity to address Internet governance issues.

4 Regional Cooperation WSIS recognized the importance of multi- stakeholder cooperation at all levels: -International -Regional -National Reason: International coordination does not work without coordination at the national level! Importance of meetings such as AFTLD.

5 IGF Themes Overall theme: “Internet Governance for Development” Five broad themes: -Openness -Security -Diversity -Access -Critical Internet Resources Capacity building as crosscutting priority.

6 The essence of the IGF Not a decision making forum, but: Has the power of recognition: -The IGF can -identify issues of concern; -draw attention to an issue; -put an issue on the agenda of international cooperation. Soft governance approach.

The IGF Meetings First and foremost a place for unfettered dialogue between stakeholders Sharing of best practices Workshops Open Forums Organizations can present their activities (ICANN, CoE, OECD, ITU) Multistakeholder approach 7

8 Benefits of the IGF The IGF can: -Shape public opinion and decision-making processes in other institutions; -Encourage policy coherence at all levels; -provide a platform for reaching out to all stakeholders; - bring in different stakeholder perspectives into public policy debate - exchange of best practices between countries and between stakeholders countries represented in the meetings

IGF at the Intersection 9 IPRFreedom of expression Access to knowledge

Rio Meeting Child Protection Online Open Discussion Forum for Child Protection Organisations Regulatory Frameworks for Improving Access (WS) 'Privacy in Internet Identity Management: Emerging Issues and New Approaches ' 10

Rio Meeting Internet Governance - What Strategy for Africa? Kenya at the Best Practice Forum Regulatory Frameworks for Improving Access (WS) Access: The Local Challenge Linguistic diversity

IGF 2008 – Hyderabad, India December 12

Ways to participate Open consultations –13 May as part of WSIS cluster of events –Early September 2008 Online –Submit Issue papers –Workshop & Best Practice Forum proposals –Online Forum –Virtual Participation 13

14 Dynamic Coalitions Dynamic Coalitions emerging from the workshops: -Stop Spam Alliance (ITU, OECD,APEC…); -Open Standards (Brazil, W3C, Sun..); -Privacy (France, World Bank, AI…); -Internet Bill of Rights (Brazil, ISOC Italy, IP Justice…); (Google, CoE, FSFE, EFF). -FOEonline (Freedom of Expression and the Media) -Access and Connectivity for Remote, Rural and Dispersed Communities -Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety

15 Strengthen Africa participation -Prepare african views and concerns thru the regional meetings so the few participants can be the ambassadors -Use the remote participation network that will be set up by India and the fellowships (Canada thru ITU for example) -Participate in the international mailing list and bring back the debate in the African mailing lists for input -Call for national IGF as Senegal -Disseminate the best practices in concerned sectors -Ensure african presence in dynamic coalitions (online and face-to-face)

16 Strengthen Africa participation African members of the IGF MAG (Multistakeholder Advisory Group): Christina Arida (NTRA, Egypt) Nii Quaynor (NCS, Ghana) Michael Katundu (CCK, Kenya) Maimouna Diop (Ministry of ICT, Senegal) Adiel Akplogan (AFRINIC, Mauritius) Ken Lohento (PANOS Institute, Senegal) Issa Yahaya (Min. of Communications, Ghana)

17 After Hyderabad... IGF 2009 is hosted by the Government of Egypt Governments of Lithuania and Azerbaijan have made a bid for the 2010 meeting.

Thank You 18